
26 October 2009

Poll - What size Filofax Organisers do you own?

Running in parallel with Laurie's excellent 'Roll Call' post, I've just added a poll to gather the votes on what sizes of organisers people own. This vote will allow to vote for multiple entries. I will let you decide which ones to leave out if you don't often use a particular size any more.

If you aren't sure what sizes they are, check out my earlier post on Filofax Sizes. The size is also embossed on the inside cover of your organiser.

Please carry on commenting on the 'Roll Call' but don't let us stop you adding comments here too.

The result will be published at the end of the poll as usual.

Thank you for your participation.



  1. I like A5 best as I can fold A4 pages in two and make holes in them and it is big enough to write in.

  2. Pocket size for me... I pull out my filofax everywhere as I keep a very meticulous budget sheet so this is perfect for me.

  3. I use a personal size Filo. I do own a City A5, which I haven't seen mention of on any Filofax sites. I find that some books with lined paper are perfect to cut down to the Personal size. Michele what is your budget sheet like? I am finding that I need to start tracking my money in a better way and I am looking for a page I can use in my Filo.

  4. Silver Elixir: I take a lined notepaper and divide each side in half. At the top of the front I title "Month & Yr" Top left side has Income: w/each paycheck date and total at bottom. Left side of front I list w/ totals: "Expenses": Rent,School, Car, Cable, Phone, Groceries, Meals, Donations, Misc, Medical Bills, Life Insurance Pments, Grooming, Amex, Mastercard. Those w/ multiple entries get their own breakouts in the columns. So right side of front page I have: Car; Donations; Medical
    Back of notepaper on left is "Misc" breakdown, where I list whatever I buy that's not clothes or food: newspapers, cards, wrapping paper, filofax items, toys for son, furniture, etc. Top right side: Grooming (clothes purchases, haircuts) Under there: Groceries: every time I purchase any groceries at market I write it down. For meals, I write in filo whatever I spend on meals - lunch $, dinner out.
    On the first of the month, I total everything, and at the very top of the front of the notepaper: Total Income - Total Exp. Positive or Negative, Smily or Sad face. I've been doing this since '99 and have archived every month. This is probably how I've become addicted to Filofax as I take it out of my bag everywhere to jot down my spending... Hope you find some inspiration here, Silver Elexir! Best, Michele

  5. Thanks Michele. I think it may take me a while to get to your level of being so organized and on top of it all. I currently track what I BPay on bills each week but I need more info than that - like what I actually have to spend as opposed to what I would 'like' to have to spend. Thanks for your ideas. I might pinch a few. :-)

  6. It doesn't look like anyone owns a Filofax in M2 format... mind you it sounds more like a motorway, or a BMW or a tank!

