
10 July 2012

Free For All Tuesday No 75

Tuesday's are your chance to ask any Filofax related questions you might have.

So fire away... and we will collectively try to answer your questions or offer opinions.


  1. Hi! Thanks for doing this to help out newbies like me! I'm a student looking to get organized with my first Filofax. I'm hoping not to spend too much, so I was thinking about the Domino, but noticed that on the Filofax US website the Sketch is currently on clearance. I'm looking at both the A5 and Personal sizes, if that makes a difference. I would use it mainly to keep track of appointments and important assignments and also to keep a to do list. If anyone has any advice or suggestions on style (either regarding these two or another possibility) or size, that would be wonderful!

    1. Both sizes will work well for what you want, but I find the A5 heavier and therefore it stays in my desk. If you want to have a filo to carry around with you, then I'd go for the personal size.

      I'm a masters student (and mum!) and like the "time management" inserts to keep track of assignment dates, weekly reading, etc. It works well.

    2. I use both sizes. For a pure planner with diary and to do lists th epersonal is fine but as soon as I start totake notes I need the A5. I suggest you cut some paper to the right size and do a sort of mock up for a week allowing for the rings to take up space and see which you like. Also, consider looking on ebay and the adspot here to see if you can get a leather version for the same cost as a new cheaper model.

    3. I've just finished my art degree and found the compact chameleon to be the perfect sized filofax for me. In it I kept a month on two pages diary and a week on one page diary. I also had a print out of my timetable so I could see the whole semester at a glance.
      I kept a daily log, in which I listed my appointment and to do's with space at the bottom of the page for a brief reflection on the day's progress(my own version of the 'Day Planner' insert which I made in Word). I would only keep 5 of these sheets in at a time, to avoid carrying excess bulk.
      If you are just wanting to track appointments and to do's, an A5 might be too big as they are quite heavy to carry around every day.
      'Uni stuff' was just one small tabbed section of my filofax (which has now been replaced by a 'jobs' section). I found it easier to keep lenghty notes from lectures/seminars in a seperate book/folder, and just use the filofax for important info and quick reminders.
      I would advise making a list of everything that you want to have with you all the time. Doing this helped me realise that I didn't need as much space/pages as I thought!
      Hope this helps :)

    4. I used one similar to Sketch when I was in college. It is bulkier that Domino but the external pocket on the back and the notepad pocket on the Sketch made up for that. The external pocket is great to slip the odd paper slips and receipts during the day without having to open the planner. Sort of an inbox that I process at the end of the day.
      My notes were transcribed into a Miquelrius notebook or a text file so I didn't have a problem taking notes in the Personal size. I review the notes later and flesh it out when I transcribed them.
      A5 was too big for me and I tend to stuff it and only clean it out at the end of term. With Personal size, I cleaned it out weekly as part of my weekly review.

      The Urban is also a good option if you can find it. It is not as bulky as Sketch and has that external pocket with a zipper.

  2. Back in the 1980s Filofax produced a set of inserts called "Free Form Time Management". It consisted of various time management forms and a set of laminated "Keypoint Reminder" inserts offering advice on topics like managing meetings and productive thinking. Do any Philofaxy readers remember this setup? Or better still, have a copy of the inserts?

    1. Gerard, maybe this is the way to find them?

    2. Gmax is one of our readers, it would be great to see them all laid out so that we could recreate them in some way?

    3. Vanjilla, Steve,

      Thanks for your replies :)

      Many of the forms appear in the Filofax Facts book, and I've already reproduced some of these for Fx computer paper: Flexible Time Log, Timetable, Delegation Brief, Travel Information (the successor to Travel Planner), Budget Planner, Monthly Time Planner - they're all in the Philofaxy Files section.

      I'm especially interested in the laminated Keypoint Reminders cards, and it would be great if Gmax or anyone else could share these. *crosses fingers and toes, and signs off*

    4. I have some of them! I have laminated free-form "Keypoints reminder"s: "Effective Delegation", "Managing Meetings" & "managing pressure". I could probably scan them and email them to someone. To Philofaxy?
      btw their ref numbers are DS53, DS52, DS59.

    5. Oooooh, I've just found 4 more - "Finding more time", "Problem solving", "Productive thinking" and "Thinking ahead" (DS54, DS56, DS57 & DS58 respectively).

    6. Oooooh yourself! Will you *please* be a sweetheart, and scan and email these to gerardmccabe [at] eircom [dot] net

      I notice that DS55 seems to have gone astray O_o

      Nevermind - please send on what you can :-D

    7. Someone has gone to the trouble of translating the Keypoint Reminders into German here...

      ... so it seems that I'm not the only one who found them useful. Here's hoping that a copy turns up!

    8. baggirl, thank you very much!

      I <3 Philofaxy.

  3. Why are some people just soooo.....oh what's the word.... ignorant!

    If I post something on Filofax facebook, the whole of my (so called friends) can see the comments and often have a little sly reply...mostly like, do you really need all those Filofaxs and I didn't realise you had a nerdy side! or Wow you must spend an absolute fortune on them!

    It's really starting to bug me! My Filofaxs are my little indulgence, I don't go out drinking (or drink in the house), I don't smoke and I only buy clothes as and when I need them, I'm not a complusive shopaholic like a lot of women. So my big spend is my Filofaxs. Last year I bought two, this year I bought 6. So why do people have to be so irritating when it comes to reading what I post on my favourite hobby?

    Does anyone know if I can make posts on Facebook Filofax group and not have all my nosy friends read it?

    Does anyone else have friends who don't understand your obsession?
    Sorry...rant over! x

    1. Gail,
      When you post to a group I don't think it should appear on your time line so that your 'so-called' friends can see it, but you know what it's like with Facebook they are forever moving the goal posts and things like that are always changing.

      Might be wise to run through your privacy settings to see if there is something a miss there that is letting your posts appear on your time line.

      And to pacify you a little... your spend on a single Filofax is nothing compared to what you might spend on shoes, handbags, fancy dresses or jewellery all of which might go out of fashion in a few weeks and might get very little use....

      Even if you spent £400 in a year that doesn't go very far these days in terms of shoes etc does it??


    2. Exactly Steve that is my point too, my Filofaxs will be still in use and (hopefully) working order in 20 years and more, where as that fancy handbag or expensive dress will be long gone! I've been a Filofax user for 2 years now and in that time, on the organisers alone, I have spend just under £1000. It sounds a lot I know, and my hubby nearly had heart failure when I told him till I explained, it works out to be less than £10 a week! I have some friends who pay more than that for a lipstick or a face creme or a weekly eyebrow pluck!

      Thanks for the heads up on Facebook Settings, I used to have it set secure, but as you say, Facebook loves to change things often. It seems everything I post get showen to all my friends.

    3. Hi Gail. I totally get you. Whenever I post anything Filofax related (ie: on City Organiser or Filofax), I go to my home page, find the mention and delete it. I also don't spend much money on clothes, shoes or beauty treatments (but I get the occasional handbag!). My hubby has a good job and I also work part time to contribute. I'm tee total and don't smoke either (my hubby has the odd drink but also doesn't smoke) and we rarely go out for meals or big nights out. We're not in ANY debt (obviously apart from our mortgage), so what we spend our money on is our business only. It's annoying isn't it??? Grrrrrrrrrrr..........

    4. Gail, I know exactly what you mean. I have 'friends' visit my house and see my Filofaxes and make snide comments like the ones you get. It makes me feel like I need to hide things in my own home before letting anyone in. I wouldn’t dream of going into someone’s house and start criticising them for their spending habits. I have been using Filofaxes since '86 and until reading Philofaxy only had 4 over a 20 year period (3 of them worn out/damaged from use). I almost always buy my Filofaxes on sale or find them ridiculously cheap at TK Maxx and now find I have a collection. It is one of my pet hates that people feel they are entitled to comment on the way you spend your money. There, my rant over too.

    5. It really is annoying Lucy!

      I've been going through my settings and can't see how my Filofax posts are appearing on FB, I have checked my timeline and they are not appearing there. I found out a few mins ago, a distant FB friend is now reading my Filofax blog....wonderful!!! I only posted the address on Filofax website and Filofax UK. I am wondering if that is the one, that is allowing people to read my Filofax stuff.

      So deleting the post from your homepage would not delete from the Filofax page?

    6. No it doesn't delete the comment you put, just the 'advert' on your profile page (sorry - I meant I delete it from my PROFILE page, not home page). That's what I do anyway and I'm hoping it works! I haven't put anything to do with my Filofax hobby or blog on my Facebook page because it's private and I don't want anybody knowing about it. Only my hubby knows (and my daughter through having big ears, but she's got strict instructions not to tell a single soul!). It's difficult because she's just got her first mini Filofax and is desperate to write about it on her blog at school. I told her she can but she's not allowed to mention that I've got one! I sense a guest post coming up soon...

    7. I think I might of figured it out Lucy thanks. Yes my son asked for a Filofax at the weekend and we set him one up and did the pictures for a blog post. Hopefully it will appear later in the week. Lovely to have children enjoying them too. I also like to keep my FF obsession just to me.

      Saffy I know where you are coming from too hun, if I have a new FF laid on my counter, I run and hide it if we get visitors, too many past irritating comments.

      A question I get asked a lot is, "Why do you need so many, you can only use one at a time?" (actually I can use a few at a time) reply, "How many pairs of shoes do you own, you can only wear one pair at a time!"

    8. Ask them how much time & money at minimum wage rates they spend online, reading about people's hobbies that aren't even of interest to them, and whether they think that's an acceptable use of their lives (we can usually get more money, none of us can get an overdraft on time) - or, if you know they're reading at work, ask if their employer knows they're stealing paid time from the company to faff about on Facebook.

      That kind of thing usually shuts people up!

      I have absolutely zero tolerance for people who moralise about how others spend their money in this underhanded way to supposed "friends"... everyone has different priorities, ALL of us own and buy non-essentials.

      I can't find the link but BBC news recently reported that this was true even of people with subsistance incomes, they all bought non-essential goods even when it cut back on essentials: it seems like it's basic human nature, globally, and because of this, it's always deeply hypocritical.

    9. I gave up too soon! Here it is: Dollar benchmark: The rise of the $1-a-day statistic

      Relevant snippet:

      ... surprisingly perhaps, people who live on $1 a day do not spend all of it on that basket of food - on staying alive. They typically spend about 40 cents on other things, says Professor Abhijit Banerjee of MIT.

      "Even though they could actually buy enough calories, the fact is they don't. If you look at the people especially in South Asia who live on $1 a day - huge malnutrition.

      "They sacrifice calories to buy some entertainment, some pleasure.

      "It's a balance between survivalist behaviour and pleasure-seeking behaviour. I think as human beings we need both."

      If that doesn't shut people up, nothing will!

    10. Re-affirms my decision to not be on Facebook. It is very intrusive, and as a private person, I don't care for the whole world to know what is or is not happening in my life.

    11. I know what you mean... I have some friends & one family member who laugh at me & call me a saddo. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, but sometimes I wish they could be a bit less sarcastic with it. Like some of the other people, I rarely drink, don't smoke or spend lots of cash on other stuff. I enjoy my filofaxes & the lovely people on Philofaxy, so I think they're the silly ones :)

    12. I need to write a blog post on why Filofax are more fun collect and use than shoes...I am with you all 100%. Love my collection, although I use only a few at a time.

    13. Gail
      I think I might have found the answer to your FB issue... If you are on the new Timeline (and I recommend you swap over to it... because you will all have to one day) there is an Activity Log, under this you can change the privacy of certain posts so that they don't appear on your timeline. Give it a try.


    14. Thanks everyone for the moral support, it's good to have like minded friends. x

      Steve I am on the Timeline, I've had a good look at it all day and I think I might be save from now on. It's just such a sad shame I have to "hide" myself from certain people.

    15. This is the very reason why I came off Facebook, not specifically because of comments on my Filofax collection as nobody knows about that but similar reasons, nasty comments, over opinionated people, none of my friends know I have a blog. I know I spend too much money on Filofaxes and books for that matter, I don't need anybody else to point that out, but I don't spend much on shoes, handbags (just the occasional buy every now and again), make up etc and I don't drink at all or go for nights out very often. Were all entitled to spend money on what makes us happy and it's nobody else's business. If my money wasn't going on these things it would be going on another similar obsession, at least a Filofax keeps me organised, what would I get out of a pair of designer shoes? Blisters probably haha !!

    16. I was embarrassed about letting friends know that I blog (especially as it's mainly about Filofaxes), but I have figured that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says (although I am thankfully quite lucky in that I have had few comments on FB, most of mine come direct from workmates as they see my beauties when they arrive - and to be honest, it's usually along the lines of "Oh God, another Filofax..." the anything offensive), so now I almost always put a link on FB whenever I add a post to my blog.

      Three of my work colleagues now have filofaxes (one is also a tad obsessed with them), and a couple more are considering them. I work hard to earn my money, I rarely drink, don't smoke and don't go out as babysitters here are ridiculously expensive. My children are well looked after, we have no debts and therefore I do not feel the need to justify my purchases to anyone.

      Also, as I rarely go out I need something to keep me entertained that is just for me. My Filofaxes give me my freedom to express myself in my setups and other bits and pieces that I love to look at and play around with. They are a sort of hobby...

      I have once had a comment about it being wrong to spend money on frivolous things, and was a bit offended, but then said that it is totally up to me what I decide to spend my money on providing all the things I am responsible for are dealt with first, and the person soon backed down.

      I am firmly out of the Filofax closet and very proud :o)

    17. Good on you LJ, i'm not bothered about people knowing I use a Filofax, I whip it out anywhere, outside school, with a friend over coffee to arrange our next meet up (she never even bat an eyelid lol), in the middle of a shop, I suppose I wouldn't really bother about anybody reading my blog, there is nothing on there a real friend doesn't know anyway and they'd probably not be that interested in my Filofax posts anyway!!

    18. Hi Gail,
      I had a similar experiance on a message board, snide comments and point scoring exercise. Needless to say I have never returned to that area infested with Pihrana's waiting for the unwary. I too took down my Facebook due mainly to the adverse publicity and fares of security. Do those same people make the same comments about someone who has many, many books or have an extensive record/CD collection who have built up their collections over many years. No one here has critized another reader.
      Stick with Philofaxy your in safe hands here.

    19. I love jewelry (particularly rings and diamonds), handbags and all kinds of planners/journals. I have gazillions of all of them and it doesn't bother me at all to be honest. I work hard, earn a good salary, pay my taxes, volunteer at an animal shelter and pay for one disadvantaged child to go to school each year. I pay for everything myself, I don't owe anybody anything and so I feel they can say what they want about me and my hobbies. it runs like water off a duck's back. It also says more about them than it does about me. So try not to let it bother you.

    20. So long as children are fed and loved, house is relatively well looked after and obsession harms no one else, who cares what others say? Come the post apolcalyptic holocaust, we'll still be able to schedule drinks when others are left unable to know what day it is. Toleration and moderation are the key words.

    21. Gail, you have my support too. I barely write anything at all on Facebook these days, and would never mention Filofaxes, simply because so many friends and family feel they have carte blanche to critise me over anything. I don't go nightclubbing have football season tickets, etc, but that's *their* interest so that's ok.
      I regularly go through my Facebook timeline but I'm sure I still miss some things.

    22. The groups on Facebook are now closed groups, so only people in the groups see what you are posting. Nothing appears on your own Timeline.

  4. Has anyone ever had their hands on a Dakota A5? I think they may only be US available but I am compiling a priority flatrate box full of goodies to be sent over to me, so this is a possibilty. In particular I like the sand colour but cannot see an internal picture of the pockets and of course I do not know what it feels like. Is it stiff or floppy? Which other does it most feel like in that respect? Does it have a slot of a swing pad at the back? Generally I go for more expensive ones ( classic cuban finchley and aston are all in my collection) but I am thinking of one to keep acrylic painting technique samples in which could be more rugged. Thanks in advance.

    Oh and re previous posts. Its my money and I'll spend it on what makes me happy thank you very much!!

    1. Hi Helen,

      I just saw the Dakota for the first time at a recent Filofax Meetup- it is super stiff!!! Not sure if that's what you're looking for, but I found it very unpleasant to the touch. I have one photo of the inside pocket layout on my blog, but only on the pocket size. Can't remember if it has a notepad slot or not...

  5. I have managed to find a nice second hand filo (thanks Anita!) and want to set it up as a gift for my friend. I'm going to have all the usual sections, but I want to custom-create a section for her wedding as she's getting married next August.

    She already has quite a lot of things already organised; but I thought I might do an invite checklist (sent, RSVP, etc) and some plain sheets with a monogram or wedding logo of some sort. What else can I include?

    It's been so long since I got married I don't think I can remember what was in my filo now!!!

    1. Babs, I just googled wedding planner list and got loads of websites offering free info, including what to do 12 months, 8 months, and 3 months before etc, I think they might be a good starting point? They're something that didn't exist a few years ago, when the only options were books or paid wedding planners!

      It'll be a lovely gift, you sound like a great mate! :)

    2. Babs, I'm glad I could be of service & hope your friend loves it :)

    3. Shanti - Great idea, thanks!! I'm glad someone's more on the ball than I am! ;-)

      Anita - I'm sure she will. She loves all things pink!

    4. I'm about to get married (under two months, eek!) and I decided to do a top-tabbed wedding section in my Filo for all of my planning. I have the following: Ceremony, Expenses, Gifts, Food/Cake, Decor, Honeymoon, and Misc.

      Behind each tab I have a few blank pages, which act as a dashboard of sorts for notes, business cards, etc. I found the open format much more useable than strict forms.

      I'm using this system combined with a large ring bound wedding planning book that has more "official" checklists, as well as places to put contracts, photos, etc.

      Congrats to your friend- it sounds like it will be a great gift!

    5. A plastic envelope with a blank sheet in to stick samples of dress fabrics etc. for when shopping for accessories etc.

      What a lovely present. I wish I'd had a Filofax when planning my wedding.

  6. I went to Staples yesterday, and found adhesive pen loops in their notebook section for $1.99. I about did a flip, if I could do a flip, that is ;). I have it in my Chameleon, and my fountain pen fits! I'm thrilled. It is item 40067

    1. I have one of those as well- they are wonderful!

    2. Ha! I just got one in the mail today which I ordered from Container Store online. Can't wait to use it!

  7. Hey Steve, thanks for the info on City Organizer. However, I can't tell if the Pennybridge has an outside pocket on it? (This is essential to me for receipts etc). I can't find a view of that. Do you or anyone else know?Thanks!


    1. As I have one, I can confirm that yes, the Pennybridge has an outside pocket: super-practical indeed.

      You can find a picture of this pocket on Iris's Pennybridge at !

  8. Hey Sandra: That would be a great post! Are you getting a new EC Life Planner this year?

    And Gail: I agree with others; just tell them to get a life! If they're so worried about what you're doing maybe they should worry more about themselves. As the saying goes, when you point a finger at some, there are MORE fingers pointing back at you!

  9. Does anyone know when Filofax started naming the planners and when they started adding the codes and names to the inside covers?

    I have an old Filofax, similar to the Winchesters I see on Flickr but mine only has Filofax, Made in England, Real Calf imprinted in gold lettering on the cover. No codes. Most pictures of Winchesters I've seen has the code e.g. 4CLF 7/8 to designate its pocket, leather and ring size.

    Any ideas?

  10. Oy! Let me try this again...I don't see A5 Cotton Cream To Do sheets on the Filofax US or UK websites. Am I missing something?!

    I dread going to Filofax website...I find it annoying (rant over):)


    1. Do I get a prize?

      They don't do any pages in Cotton Cream in A5 size.... unless someone else knows different?

    2. Cheryl, Ray produced some great Turbo charged to Do sheets, which you can print off onto your own cotton cream paper. Available in A5 download on his site My Life all in One Place. I use them all the time... much better than the usual to do sheets. Have a lookie doo and see what you think.

    3. Thank you...ha...I didn't even notice there were no cotton cream anything for A5...I was just focused on those to do sheets. I got an A5 Finch awhile back (empty, bought used) and haven't used it yet so was unaware about the cotton cream not being available for A5. Well, that just ... fill in the blank. However, I will check out Ray's to do sheets. Thanks!

  11. My Collins Debden (I have this one: ) has a pocket inside the back cover for a notepad, but I didn't use the notepad much and the back cover has started to come off, so it's got nothing to hang by in the back pocket. The pocket is different from the one in say, my pocket Bond, which could be used for notes, cards, etc. I'm not sure what to do with this pocket. It's really just a slit in the plastic, rather than one piece of plastic on top of another. Sorry, it's difficult to describe.

    Does anyone have any suggested uses for this now-useless pocket? As I never really used the notepad when it was there, I'm not interested in purchasing another one to go in the same spot.

  12. Hello! Long-time lurker, first time poster - I have had a Filofax since 1998; my first (which I still have) was a brown pocket Hamilton I bought at KaDeWe in Berlin for the princely (for my graduate-school self) sum of 90DM! Since then I had a personal size navy something or other with pebbled leather that I have unaccountably managed to lose in a move two years ago, and earlier this year, I rediscovered my Filofax love when I found a turqoise Personal Baroque in a local stationery store and fell in love. I have also bought an A5 Domino (on sale!) and the Personal Chameleon in Raspberry for half-off. And of course I am always tempted by more.

    But other than introducing myself I have a question, which is that I seem to have some ballpoint pen marks on the back of my gorgeous Baroque - what's the best way to get them out? (I know rubbing alcohol does take out pen marks but will it damage the leather or the dye?)

    Thanks for your help!
