
16 March 2006

Why Must You Torture Me?, you surely are a cruel mistress. I placed my order for my new, improved, larger, better-tasting Filofax a week and a half ago now, and your website still says it has not shipped. And you have not responded to my e-mail. Nor have I received any damn indication at all of what is going on.

Come to think of it, when I ordered my first Filofax from you, something similar happened. There was an unexplained delay, and there were unanswered e-mails. But it all ended up okay in the end.

Listen, I'm supposed to be telling everyone about how great my new Filofax is. And wouldn't you like it if I could tell everyone how great is? Also, with each passing day, I lose one day of the included calendar's utility. It will die on December 31st, regardless of when I receive the Filofax. And, as though to add insult to injury, I will have more and more stuff to transfer into the new Filofax because I am still using the old one. Please, this will already be a day-long project.

If this persists, I shall have to take a measure most drastic: I will pick up the phone and call you. That's right. I will be forced to abandon the emotional fortress of e-mail and attempt to have a human conversation with a regular old human at your company. Highly unorthodox, I know. But soon, I will have no other option.

I don't want to invoke the nuclear option. Please send me my Filofax. Pretty please. With Jot Pad pages on top.

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