
08 January 2007

Tab Tweaking Two

I explained in my previous post that I've overhauled my tab arrangement. Here's what goes behind each one.

Goals - Not the lofty kind of goals you're probably thinking of. The mundane kind -- swimming a certain number of laps, drinking water, taking fish oil, and so on. I'm much better at doing these things regularly when I keep track of them on little spreadsheets.

Plans - What most people call projects. I like to call them plans so I don't have to break them down into individual projects. A plan can be getting a certain set of work done on the house, or accomplishing something in my career. I like the word "plan" better than "project" because it reminds me about the benefits I'll reap at the end.

Agendas - Running lists of things I need to tell or ask certain people -- one page per person. Borrowed from David Allen (of Getting Things Done fame). I've found this a great way to remember things I want to discuss with a doctor, with a family member I don't see very often, and so on.

Ideas - Anything goes.

Lists - Shopping lists, restaurants to try, books to read, etc.

Addresses - Actually, I only carry telephone numbers on these A-Z pages. My main address list lives on my computer.

You've probably noticed there's no To-Do section. I try to have only one page going at a time, and I keep it in the middle of the current week spread in the calendar.


  1. Hi Nan. I finally got through to The Daily Planner and was informed that the Teal is not available. My Pocket Finsbury arrived today and it seems a tad bit small for me as I am used to the Personal size. Here's another question, should I keep the Personal and save the trouble to go through all the shipping back and forth or exchange it for the Personal Finsbury?

  2. I'm sorry to hear the teal isn't available for you. Now, as for what size to get, that's really up to you. But if the Pocket seems too small now, it will probably continue to be too small for you. Most people prefer the Personal to the Pocket, unless they're using the Pocket strictly as a "carry-around" and keep a Personal or A5 at their desk.

  3. I have to agree with Nan's advice; I've never been able to get on with any Filofax size below that of Personal - I think you end up in a situation where having such small pages in a loose-leaf format is simply not very useful. I think where size is a consideration you're better off with Slimline Personal size Filofax.
