
14 May 2007

Another Kindred Spirit

Stevie, a new reader to Philofaxy, wrote a fantastic Filofax post on his own blog, which I would like to share with you. Click here to read about Man's Best Friend on Strong Stiff Scotch.

(It's actually some women's best friend, too. The Filofax, I mean, not the Scotch.)


  1. I beg to differ! Scotch is certainly one of my best friends. In moderation, of course. Unlike my Filofax, of which I partake excessively!

    Stevie, thank you so much for your essay on your beloved Filofax! I couldn't agree more.

  2. SSS saved the best till last "my loyal constant companion".

    To me this is the key to getting the most out of a Filofax; keep it close and its utility will reward you. (To beat my drum) always go for a version that can be carried everywhere.

  3. Thanks for the comments all - and thanks Inky for posting the link.

    Yes, it is something of a trademark - more of a substitute for a brain, and a grown-up security blanket to boot! It prompted another filo-related post, which if its ok Inky, you can link to here...

    And yes, everything -except the filofax - in moderation!

  4. SSS, I agree about the addresses. Looking through my old addresses is certainly a trip down memory lane. I take them out of my binder though, and put them in an archive binder so I don't have to sift through my outdated stuff to find my current contacts.

    In your blog you say you have something like 15 Filofaxes of various sizes and colors. Do you mind telling us what you do with these? Do you use them for projects, archiving, other things? Or are they purely "decorative?" I'd like to hear about them.

  5. Hey Laurie

    I miscounted... I have 25! Collected between 1987 and today, they are mainly from the mid 1980's period - the filofax renaisance. I have all my diaries and address pages going back to 1987, and I use the filofaxes to store these. I also keep all my spare pages, blank note-paper, maps and accessories in these too. Occasionally I'll swap the filofax that I use as my every-day organiser with one of these.

    I have 5 Vintage calf "Winchesters", made between 1978 and 1987 with the largest size ring size (about 1 and a quarter inches), and 3 Winchesters with the standard size rings. The Winchester is the classic filofax - tough calf leather with two flapped pockets and a window pocket for an ID pass. I also have some more modern examples including the Sandhurst, a pocket and mini, and a Mulberry 'planner'.

    I also have a number of the leather accessories which fit on the rings of a filofax, such as change holders, wallets and jottas. The best place to see vintage Filofax products is at the website of a Japanese collector who has pictures of his considerable store of filofax produts at

    If I get around to it, I'll post some photos!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. SSS, may I ask, which filofax size do you use for every day use. I am constantly changing between a pocket size and personal size. Not too sure if it's a drive to find the best solution or just an excuse to continually change things.

  8. Hi Paul

    I don't swap between sizes; though I do use an A5 Hamilton as my desk diary at work, its the standard size filofax that has always suited me best for work and everyday personal organisation. I did try the Mulberry planner for a while, which has a beautiful leather cover and A5 pages but it was too bulky for everyday use, and I did think about downsizing on a trip with a pocket size filo, but it didn't "feel". I can't ever imagine not using a standard 'personal' size filofax. Everyday life, work, pleasure, holidays, trips, it goes with me. Hey it works for me, but then I'm a bit of a fan!

