
26 May 2008

Memorial Day Holiday

Memorial Day is an American holiday, one of the few days that most Americans don't have to go to work (although those in the retail and restaurant industries have to work, but get higher pay). The TV news carries images of soldiers paying Taps, which I think are heart-wrenching no matter what side of the political spectrum you're on. Local neighborhoods often have parades.

Americans are also expected to place flowers on graves that they've neglected throughout the year.

Was today an important day in your culture? What did you do in rememberance?


  1. It appears that Memorial Day is equivalent to our Remembrance Day which is held on November 11 in memory of those who died in The Great War which ended in an armistice at 11 o'clock on that day in 1918. I understand this war triggered the expansion of Memorial Day "to include casualties of any war or military action"

    Coincidentally May 26 was also a Bank Holiday in the UK though my 'week on two pages cotton cream diary' doesn't give it a name. There is no Bank Holiday associated with Remembrance Day though traditionally we stop work at eleven and hold a minute's silence. In my old job we used to walk to our old company's memorial (reconstructed after the War) and our Chaplain would say a prayer to those recorded as killed in action on the tablet: Old fashioned but moving.

  2. Here in the Netherlands we have on may 4th a dey of remembering the people who died at The second Worldwar. And on may 5th we celebrate the day that on may 5th 1945 the war was over in the Netherlands...


  3. Inky - I am posting here because I don't see another option to contact you. I am about to join the Filofax ranks. Two items:

    1) I just got a beautiful new print catalog from Filofax that includes new items that are not yet up on the U.S. website. Several of these are open-flat personal planners (an issue, I know).

    2) I was wondering whether you would consider doing what they do at Notebookism, which is to post an open thread once a week where folks could carry on the Philofaxy conversation while you are too busy to post. Just a thought.

    Love this blog.
