
25 July 2008

Free for all Friday No. 8

Once a week, Philofaxy hosts an open comments thread.

That's not to say that we don't get a lot of great comments all the time -- we do! If you haven't checked out the wonderful comments on Taking note of notebooks, please do so! Our readers have great ideas.

Ideas? Suggestions? Complaints?

Let's have them!

- Inky


  1. Would any Philofaxers like to describe how they use multiple Filofax, such as a personal and an A5. I have both and systems are falling apart. I don't know what goes where. The one thing that's working is all my logins and passwords are stored in the Financial section of the Personal. Don't ask me why - an artifact of when I had just one Filofax, but it seems to work. And this recopying the year into Kate Spade - are we destined to always try new calendars mid-year? We do love them we can't wait until the next year? It's true for me too!

  2. I'm definitely guilty of changing calendars during the year. Often what happens is that my needs suddenly change, and a different calendar format works better for me. Other times it's just boredom or wanting to try something new that compels me to switch. I don't use multiple Filofaxes, but several people here do. Some options: A5 for work and Personal for, well, personal. A5 as the main book and Personal as the "satellite" to carry around with you. Inky uses multiple Filos so she might have more insight.

  3. Hey this is off topic, but I just discovered the Filofax Professional system on Link:

    Is anyone familiar with this system?

  4. Wonder if it will be available for 2009 here in the US? It looks like a new system. I'd like to see it. The fold-over yearly and monthly overviews remind me of some of the TimeDesign forms.

  5. I noticed the Time Management system a year or so ago. It seems to be tied in with training seminars and aimed at businesses.

    I hope it comes to the States someday, too. I think it would do well. Americans are nuts about time management, although David Allen's GTD book and Web sites like seem to have saturated the market a bit.

    Currently, I'm hanging on with a really minimalist "system" myself: TMI (=three most important) things. I give myself 3 at home and 3 at work, although I'll add a couple more during the day. It's not perfect, but like all simple enough things, it works.
