
04 December 2008


Not much happening in my Filofax life these days, but there's been some talk about maps lately, so I thought I'd share a map I bought from The Daily Planner earlier this year.

[Aside: One reason there's not much going on is that I'm still waiting for the current Daily Planner order I placed a couple weeks ago. My two emails asking to track the package have gone unanswered. I have no 2009 calendars yet. Grrrr.] UPDATE: I just got the Daily Planner FedEx! They must have felt bad about the delay and expedited it. Thank you for good service as always, Daily Planner!

Anyway, I bought a Boston map, and got this. It's made of stiff, shiny paperboard. It's printed in Canada and updated as of 2005, although the outer packaging says "Made in U.S.A." Streetwise (, which bills itself as "Originators of the laminated accordion-fold map," also makes larger maps that fold up the same way, without the Filofax holes.

I wish they didn't waste so much map space on their logo.

The reverse of the map has a street index and subway map.


  1. I have the Washington DC street map from Filofax (Personal size) and it is excellent. It is older, last updated 1996 it says, but I bought it in 2002 or 2003. It is also made by Streetwise, but doesn't have the ridiculously huge logo taking up the front page. I like the heavy-duty laminated fold-out card. When I lived in DC I used the map constantly. When people would ask me for directions on the street I would whip out my Filofax and pull out the map, and they were always amazed--and also happy to find where they wanted to go!

  2. This is slightly off topic, but relates to geography - I'm curious as to where in the world everyone is commenting from. I find it interesting how Filofax products differ so much from region to region. Here on the east end of Long Island (NY), there aren't any stores that carry Filofax refills, etc. We don't have any Container Stores, so unless one happens to stumble on an independent store that carries something (I have yet to do so, and according to Filofax's website, there aren't any), we're out of luck here, although there are several places in NYC that do. There's also a Container Store in New Jersey where my family is originally from, so I have to get my Filo fix where I can.
    Speaking of which, I am very tempted by the Pocket Sized Cuban. Because I have been using the Personal size for quite a while though, I have to really look at the pocket size and see if it would do for my purposes - I don't know if I'll be able to downsize. Good thing I'm headed to NYC tomorrow! I'll let you all know if I come home with something new...

  3. I usually order my stuff from the Filofax US or UK websites. The UK website ships to US addresses, so I get things from there that aren't available on the US website.

    Speaking of ordering things, INKY, tell all about your recent arrivals!!! And if I recall, you recently got a new Personal size binder, which one was it? How are you using it? We can hardly wait to hear all the details!

  4. I bought my first Filofax this summer. I love it, as well as this blog! I live in the Netherlands, but here very little Filofax is available.
    I decided to buy a Filofax when I was in on holiday in Germany; I actually spend several hours in this gigantic Filofax store they had there. Then I ordered my Filofax online from an English shop and I bought my diary for 2009 when I was on a holiday in Belgium.

  5. >> I'm curious as to where in the world everyone is commenting from.

    Dear kanalt
    Zurich, Switzerland. Around 12 stationaries with filofax refills for roughly speaking 360'000 inhabitants (just to make you a little jealous). But normally I buy my refills in Germany, because they are much cheaper there.

  6. Hi Kim and others,
    I am from the netherlands too. But arount here there are quite some shops selling filofax. Try Akkerman in Amsterdam or Hoogstins. Especially Akkerman is very nice, they also order things for you if they don't have it in stock but most binders and inserts they just always keep in stock.
    I don't think there are any specific filo products for our country, only diaries. No maps or anything. We do have a brand here called succes that has many things compatible with filofax. This is a Dutch brand so very widely available here.

  7. @Pauline: I will try Akkerman when I am in Amsterdam! I live in Groningen and here only is one small shop that sells Filofax. In all the other shops they try to talk me into Succes..
