
09 July 2009

New Organisers

A new range of 'Butterfly' organisers are available on the UK Filofax site:

I think you will agree some nice detailing on the cover.



  1. Wow, there are several organizers on the UK site that are not available on the US site! I was just there last night browsing around and I splurged & ordered myself a new Eton : )

  2. As they say it is worth looking around!

    The new ones aren't really my style but I'm always pleased to see the company expanding the choice available. Something for everyone then.


  3. Good morning....

    the butterfly organizer is also available in Germany, but only red , looks really nice...

    YM , i would like to have an Etan,too, but it´s so expensive :-(

  4. Anonymous, my Eton came today. HOLY COW IS THAT THING AWESOME! They are on sale at Goldspot Pens for $179 (which is still a lot, I know).

    The leather is INCREDIBLE. I have never felt a Filo so soft & supple. It lays flat and the interior features are fantastic. I highly recommend.

  5. Most Filofax Organisers are for women only. How about us, the men? There are no simple black real calf organisers anymore.

    I don't need a zipped pocket and I don't need a "design" on the outside. Filofax, get back where you started!

  6. YM, congratulatins to your new Eton...:-)
    Have you already moved your pages?
    I bought a zipped new Durham in Personal size.
    Its a bit bulky, but I like it.
    At the moment I´m trying to change my job, if i get the one i want, perhaps i will buy an Etan :-)

    Sorry for the bad Englisch...

  7. Anon #1, have you tried their site? Because in the UK I can see at least one reasonably plain dark (or black) Ffx at each price range, and all sizes. Then there are classics like the Finsbury, that come in pink, for sure - but also black, or brown.

    I don't like decorated Ffxs either, despite being a female, my preference is for navy or brown, and there's plenty on offer from what I've seen. :)
