
30 July 2009

Telephone Message Page

Do you ever get a phone call that you aren't expecting, but you need to record the details of the call for future action or to pass to someone else to deal with the matter?

We have most probably all seen telephone message pads before, but I'm not aware of something similar available for putting in to a Filofax. So as usual I've created my own. I've created it in A4 format, which is obviously way too big for everyday use. But print it in booklet format or scaled down it prints out ok on A5 format.

You can download this page here, it's available in MS Word format or PDF format.

I've used this page a couple of times to take messages for my wife while she has been out at a business meeting and she has left me to look after the office!

I will one day sit down and try and adapt some of my pages including this one for Personal size, you can get three single sided pages of that size on to an A4 sheet, so as well as a punch, you will need a rotary trimmer. I'm sure it will be worth it and there will be a demand for the Personal size pages.


  1. Thanks Steve - have just printed a whole bunch out. Just what I needed!

  2. Thanks for your contributions, Steve.

    To me, creating custom forms is like creating software for your favourite computing platform. So that makes you something of a Filofax hacker :-)

    And I'd like to share this bit of info with Filofax mini users (not sure if this was discussed here before): you can create custom forms for your mini online and for free. Go to

    According to the site, it's a "free, recyclable personal organizer." Pocketmod pages fit well in a mini.

  3. Francesca: Great thanks for the feedback, it makes my day to know others are using these pages

    Joffreyca: I think you have created my new nickname!
    Yes I was aware of the Pocketmod, thanks for the reminder. We will add a link to the site...soon.


  4. Templates to cater for the personal size would be great Steve if you find time. I only use that size myself and, while I could never claim to be short of spare pages, it's always good to find a template that matches a particular need.
