
07 September 2009

From the Web - Monday 7 September 2009

Monday night is when Google emails me it's latest finds from the Interweb, it searches out any new articles and sites that feature 'Filofax' in them in the last week. Some oddities, some not worth reporting. But this week is the usual mixed bag...enjoy


  1. Loved reading these, especially the final days of the K-12 posse. My baby (she'd die if she knew I called her that) will be graduating and leaving the nest this spring. I am already sad! It is probably good that I didn't use a Filofax until several years ago, because somehow I can see myself sitting and reading them over and over again, while crying of course, after she leaves.

  2. I just checked out the Creative Filofax post. I cannot believe her husband works at a place where they throw away Filofaxes!!! IT'S INSANE!!
    Quick, we need to get hold of that company's name and apply for a job there, even if it's just as the cleaning lady in charge of getting -ehem- 'rid' of those 'nasty' Filos!

  3. These articles are great! I love looking back through my old Filofax pages in their little storage binders. It's like a time capsule of my life that year.

    Oni, you are right!! How can anyone possibly throw away a Filofax?!?

    Steve, how do you get Google to email you topic-based websites like this? I'm so non-technological it's embarrassing.
