
31 December 2009

2009 a year in review...

So another year is nearly over. I suggested to Nan and Laurie before Christmas that may be we should do a review of the year. But it would be like repeating the year. What could we leave out?

I have taken a look back over the year and each time I do it with the intention of writing something about the year I get engrossed in the articles and especially the comments you all make. No self discipline!!

The big change for me this year has been your contribution via the comments, which has been huge, and we thank you for your valuable input.

As Nan mentioned over Christmas the addition of Laurie and myself has added breadth/depth to the coverage of Filofax topics. Our coverage in the media and the internet has increased in the last year. We have got Philofaxy noticed that's for sure! And again we thank you for your mentions, which I'm sure have contributed to more visitors to the site.

When I got the invite to be a contributor in June from Nan, I sort of panicked at first, what can I write about often enough to keep you all interested. But my fear was short lived. I just write about more or less what I like on topic... and it seems to spark your interest.  I'm sure the three of us will continue in our own style in 2010, giving you all ideas, making you pause and think 'why don't I give that a try' 'oh I like that idea' I'm sure you have had those moments after reading a post.

I will do the occasional 'One Year Ago on Philofaxy' post in future or some other interval in the last 5 years of  Philofaxy to remind ourselves of earlier posts and ideas contained in them, there are plenty of them as I discovered!

If you would like to contribute an article at any time we welcome your input. Please contact us by email:

So once again thank you for everything in 2009 and I wish you all the best for 2010.


  1. I have loved reading all posts and comments from the beginning until this very last one, as well as all of the ones yet to come. I'm also thankful and grateful to know that there are other people out there who share in my passion and obsession. Thanks to all of you - Steve, Laurie and Nan! I look forward to opening Google Reader everyday, hoping for a new Philofaxy post...they always make my day!

  2. I was so excited to find Philofaxy! I love reading the posts and agree, it is so nice to go to a website where others share the same passion...those who don't understand or see the value in Filofaxes, agendas, planners etc... just don't understand! :) I have tried so many different kinds of planners....but I always come back to my Filofax!!

  3. As I reviewed my 2009 to-do lists, deciding what to carry over and what has already been done, I've found that Steve and Laurie had already done a lot of the things I had in mind...reserve the Philofaxy URL, get a Philofaxy Twitter account, and make more frequent contact with our readers.

    It's the confluence of Philofaxy lists!
