
11 December 2009

Free For All Friday No. 56

Well two weeks to go.... I hope you have got your Filofax orders in in plenty of time to Santa... otherwise you might have a sad time opening your presents on the 25th...

I'm not a big fan of December, not because of Christmas, it's just that in my industry people are dashing around like headless chickens trying to get a months work done in just over 3 weeks. It does lead to some interesting times!

But I'm not one of the headless chickens... ah you see my secret weapon, my Filofax has it all under control. Technically my workplace closes for a few days over the holiday, but in reality some one could get called in, myself included. So it is wise to have everything in hand. Contacts up to date, notes of my teams where abouts over the holiday in case I have to call on someone.

So how are your plans coming together for the festive season?



  1. I have been trying to get all things organised before Christmas as my work closes between Christmas and New Year, and I'm determined to start the New Year with a clean desk! So I have looked around for useful archive boxes for my A5 FIlofax paper work, and found this great European site. Have a great archive box and dividers now, and a very useful diary that fits into the rings of my A5 Filo, and then in those times when I don't want to lug my great big Kendal around, I can just unclip the diary part from it and and stick it in my pocket. Great for Christmas shopping in Oxford Street! I'm really impressed with these guys -not sure if their other sizes are compatible with other size FIlos or not?

  2. Forgot to say - they also have a page of printable pages for free - extremely useful!

  3. My Christmas is essentially canceled this year for me. I am working Christmas Day and Boxing day and then on nights on the 27th and 28th.

    no need to organise anything.

  4. I've got a list in my pocket filo designated to presents and no one is allowed to peer over my shoulder as I'm jotting down on it. Christmas will bring me my very first A5! I cannot wait. I was told that maybe present opening would transpire throughout the day - I just commented I wanted "the highly anticipated one come first!"... I picked out the Mustard Finchley but I'm sure there are some Filo surprises along with it!

  5. Francesca Thanks for the link I will add it to our links in the side bar. Useful site, especially like their free templates.


  6. Francesca - thanks so much for pointing me in the direction of the templates at TimeSystem. They're fantastic! I've bookmarked the page and will definitely be using some of them.

  7. Thanks for the link.

    Just bought a Filofax Portobello A5:

    Got the link to the seller from the comment box here as well.

    You guys are ace!

  8. Does everyone follow a certain rule of thumb when setting up your Filofax or do you set it up for how ever you like?
    Also how do you carry your Filo?
    In a laptop bag or in your personal breifcase? Or you just don't put it in a case of any sort?
    Your help is appreciated!

  9. gmrakovich - Most times when setting up my Filo, I tend to follow the general tabs that Filofax offers - Addresses, Financial, Notes, Information, Projects, and Diary. If there's another section I need, I'll create my own tabs using my label maker. It depends on what I need at the time. Within the sections, I'll set it up based on what I use most - so for "Projects," I'll put the one I'm working on the most at the moment in the front for easy access and go backwards from there.

    As far as carrying it, I carry mine in my bag (purse/pocketbook), whatever bag I'm using at the moment. I don't have a briefcase, nor do I carry my laptop for work. if I'm running a few errands and only have my wallet with me, I'll just carry the Filo in hand and leave it in the car when I'm in a store.

    Hope this is what you were looking for and that it helps a bit.

  10. I carry my A5 in the nook of my arms. Less heavy I feel.

    As for my filo's set up, I only use:
    Jan - Dec tabs for calendar (2-page week).

    A - Z tabs for the rest.
    eg: say one of my clients is Filofaxy, all jobs relating to the company goes under F. Then I use top tabs for individual projects under the company.

    Likewise, books goes under B, Grocery under G etc.

    I also add one sheet after each A-Z tab for phone numbers/websites etc.

    I find this system is the most economical, paper wise.

  11. gmrakovich, I don't use the tabs that come with the Filofax (Projects, Notes, Information etc) because I use different categories. I do have a Notes tab, but I like it to be the tab at the very bottom and the Filofax Notes tab isn't.

    I buy the blank tabbed dividers and the sticky notes accessory. Then I trim the colored tape flags to fit the tabs and label them as I need. That way if I need to move my tabs around, I can easily remove and replace the labels, that way keeping the tabs aligned down the side of the book. Also I can designate colors based on the topic. For example, my Financial tab label is green, Emergency contact and insurance info is the bright pink for visibility, etc.

    As for carrying my Filo, I just carry it in whatever bag I'm using that day. I know it's much more of an issue for men though. I think most men carry their Filo in their laptop bag or briefcase for work. In the US, messenger-style bags are pretty popular for guys. In Europe, the "male handbag" (what we Americans often call a male purse or "murse") is popular.

    Hope this helps!!

  12. Thanks everyone.
    I will let you know how this goes in 2010.
    New personal filo instead of A5.
    I will try the "keep it in my biefcase idea".
    It should be interesting but I am excited to use the Filo instead of the FC my company gives out.
    Is it silly to actually purchase out of my pocket the Filo when I can get a FC for free? On second thought, I already did it! LOL

  13. Hello. Just wanted to say "Hi!" to everyone.

    I haven't posted comments nor visited this site for a loooong time.

  14. Welcome back! Look forward to hearing from you more in future

