
25 January 2010

Continuing the theme

Seems like a popular theme this week: calling Filofax and other paper organizers "retro" or "old-fashioned." I prefer to think of them as reliable, classic, personable and archival myself.

Here is another article about "old-fashioned" paper planners, featuring Filofax:

Old-fashioned organizers haven't disappeared


  1. Thanks for that one Laurie. I'm very naughty, I always post a suitable comment about people still liking Filofax or similar paper planners and leave a link to Philofaxy!

    I know I should stand on the naughty spot/step for such behaviour!!


  2. Yep, I agree "reliable" is the point.
    Plus, they are very nice products.

    Regarding the way digital adepts look at "us", poor retro paper users. What can I say... I have an iPhone in one hand, and a Filofax in the other. And I know which one I appreciate most. I alsp know which one i have to upgrade almost yearly to keep using new version of apps and which one I upgrade when I want to ;)

    I really don't mind people running after iPhone or the soon to come Tablet. It won't stop me to use my Filofax or my WiFiless paper notebook.

  3. Personally I hate feeling like I'm at the mercy of my electronic device and its moods. The thing that infuriates me quickest is technology that doesn't work properly. When my internet connection goes down, stand back. If my laptop has a glitch, I want to throw it out the window.

    I consider my planner to be an extension of myself. I have no patience for temperamental technology when it comes to managing the details of my life. I want to open a book and see my own handwriting, right there where I left it!

  4. And Steve, you don't need to stand on the naughty step. With all this talk of paper planners being old-fashioned, apparently we need all the advocates we can get!!
