
12 February 2010

Free For All Friday No. 65

Thank goodness it is Friday!

Let's have a total free for all Friday... Filofax related of course...



  1. No updates on this end. I did notice that my colleague who bought her first planner a few months ago has been using it diligently-- it's stuffed with papers and Post-Its! I hope she ends up becoming one of us!

  2. I just found Filofax calendar inserts on in the "Health and Personal Care" section! Would that be mental health, due to our Filofaxes keeping us sane??

  3. Cleaned out my Filofax today. Amazing how much stuff I've gathered in a month or two of use1

  4. Ordered Siena Expresso Pocket and Domino Red Pocket. Should receive them next week. Can't wait.

  5. I've been giving my A5 a real workout while working at home during the recent snowstorms. As a One Filofax At A Time, I'm really getting the hang of using two!

  6. I found out whilst writing and then subsequently tweeting about my recent post here

    That the new 2010 filofax range will be out March - June and there will be some purple additions! Fantastic!

  7. If this isn't appropriate, please remove the post.

    I am looking to buy a Filofax Balmoral and/or Winchester. Should anyone have one or the other for sale, I would be very glad to hear from you.

    These were too expensive for me back in the day but am now in a position where I would like to get one, particularly a Balmoral. And it will be used! This would suit me very well in my current job.

  8. Just bought a couple of 'pocket' size binders on Ebay. Now I'm waiting for the next sale on paper.

  9. JJ,
    which pocket binders did you get?

  10. Help! I am almost about to purchase an Eton--personal size. It is so expensive. Somebody stop me--this doesn't make good sense.

  11. Ally, you expect us to stop you? We are a bunch of Filofax enablers! If anything, we will cheer you on!

    Good luck with your decision!

  12. Laurie--maybe that is what I really wanted :-)
    I cannot justify spending that much--perhaps it is because I don't write down my life on a daily basis as do many of the philofaxers on this blog. I just want to know where I need to be and what I need to do. I travel in my work and I like stuff from home--photos, etc. close by.
    The Eton looks perfect to use to keep appts, schedule, etc plus stuff!

  13. Ally, do you not have a Filofax at all? If not, maybe you could get a Domino (which is much cheaper than the Eton, but a great planner at a low price) and see how much you use it before you make the big investment?

  14. Dilalia: A black Metropol (3/4 inch rings) that I'm very happy with.

    And a red Pickadilly with 1/2 inch rings that is too small to be really attractive to me.

  15. JJ: Not familiar with piccadily. Have to google that. Did you buy that off the european ebay?

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  19. My last attempt at including a link:

    It's got photos if you get there.

  20. JJ: Wow, that's a very good buy! Only USD9 for the whole lot. Congrats!

  21. JJ: that Piccadilly looks lovely! congrats!
