
20 March 2010

Weekly To Do List

As I'm off for a few days in France later this week, I was sitting with my coffee trying to work out what I needed to do before we go, an idea came to me that I didn't just need a To Do list, but a To Do list for each day almost.

So I created one... I also used it to learn how to use Pages on my Mac.

The file should print ok in landscape A4 which you can 'z fold' for A5 or resize it to suit.

Hopefully it will help me get away on time and not forget anything!



  1. Well I've been using this since I posted the article and it really is making my trip away planning a lot less stressful and I'm less likely to forget to do things. Wonderful!

  2. Here is another one...

    I also carry an A5 Filo and I use an iPhone. To be honest, I would switch over to a smartphone completely if their speed of use ever matches my speed of thinking. For all purposes apart from contacts my filo is just that much quicker. And of course making telephone calls with my filo doesn't work really well...
