
16 April 2010

Free for All Friday No. 74

Well it's been quite a 'historic' week, what with an updated History of Filofax document and my new change holder that appears to be at least 20+ years old.

My thought for this weeks FFAF is what accessories would you like to see available for your Filofax? Not just ones from yesterday year... don't forget to include any pages you would like to see that you haven't found available.

But as always, the blog is yours to discuss and comment about anything Filofax related....



  1. Two things:

    1. A Domino in LEATHER

    2. a calendar that has the month on 2 pages: in iconic boxes, not a list...and then has that month divided into weeks, each on 2 pages...So each month has10 succesive pages. The way it is now, the month calendars are all backed by the previous and next you have to keep them in order without inserting pages between...unless you want to go mad....

  2. 3 or 4 column ledger pages.

    I have a number of sayings and reminders on the flyleaf of my Filo and one of those sayings is "Specialized Forms Are B*ll***t". (Not deliberately trying to be offensive, but I strive to keep things easy for me to remember.)

    I need the reminder. I'm a sucker for buying forms, when I can usually record the same information on plain old lined, unlined or grid paper.

    If I had a third of the money I've blown on FC's forms, I'd be a very happy man.

    And of course, there are exceptions, I use the checkbook form and the address pages. But when I buy paper, I try to keep it to lined, unlined or grid.

    Ledger pages would complete the above collection perfectly.

  3. I would like to see a calculator that can be inserted in either the personal size or the A5. Maybe this is already out there? On another Filofax related note, I'm curious what people do when it comes to purchasing a Filofax. Do you save up for it and then purchase or use a credit card? That could result in a lot of trouble! Just curious,,,,,

  4. I like e's suggestion for the calendar though!

    I currently use one of those types of monthly calendars and a week on two pages (lined) in conjunction. I just bought a clear 'today' ruler to go in the monthly pages (so it doesn't obscure my view of the month).

    Maybe next year I'll look into other brand calendars. I think Day Timer makes calendars like e suggested and their "portable" size fits personal size filos. Most that I've seen, however, have appointment hours (which I don't want), or too many colors going on.

  5. Well, off the current subject.
    It's here!
    I was away on business this week and came home to a package containing a new Guildford "open" to replace the Guildford zipper I purchased. Yes, the zipper one has larger rings and yes, you can put papers in it and not lose them, but I really liked the pictures of the open ones with papers hanging out the sides and looking as if the were going to burst. So I invested in the last Filo of the year. It is bueatiful and I've already started loading it. I'm home alone as the girls are all grown and my significant other works nights. Just me, the dog, and my NEW Filo to work with.
    Life is good for a change.

  6. I would love a diary with just the days & public or religious holidays, phases of the moon or calendars and the like...just days & dates.

  7. Simon, here is a link to the letts uk site, they personalise a filofax diary for you. You choose what dates you include or exclude, you can also include your own pictures ect.. hope it helps.

  8. I'll look into the Daytimer, Dasha...thanks for the tip.

    I have been making some of my own one to keep track of writing I may have to make the calendar. It would actually be simple---if the month was double sided!

  9. e, Franklin Covey makes calendars like you've stated. Tabbed month on 2 pages with weeks on 2 pages following, and the backsides of the pages are lined for notes so you can put things between the months and weeks. But, if you are outsde the US I've heard their international shipping is expensive!

  10. Franklin Covey offered a 13 Column Spread Sheet which was very useful. This would be on my wishlist.

    It used landscape form, and actually had 15 columns - a narrow one to hold the row number, a wide one for a row descriptor, 12 for the "body" information, and a final column to hold a row total.

    There were 31 "body" rows, plus a row for page title, and another for the column headers.

    So clearly it was well suited for calendar-type records, but could equally well be used for any general tabular purpose. However, it would be a bit of a squeeze to fit everything on a personal sized Filofax page.

    Filofax used to produce some analysis leaves that were similar, but not quite as versatile.

  11. Like the service they have already to create your own diary, I'd like a service to create your own custom tab divider set. Enter your subjects, choose side or top tabs, and get tabs delivered to you that match your system perfectly!

  12. plaiditude - I LOVE this idea! Why did I never think of it myself? I make my own tabs but purchasing Filofax's blank ones then using my label maker to create the topics I need. But somehow they never look as nice as the ones Filofax puts out - mainly because then end up being off-center, which does not bode well for my OCD tendencies. =)

  13. @IncomeAdvisor
    Many thanks for the link. Sadly it only does 'a week on two pages' & I particularly like 'a week on one page with notes'...I have very few appointments but lots of things to do.

  14. A bit late in the game, but a question -

    I desperately want a personal size Eden Filofax, its from just a few years ago. I've been watching ebay and craigslist like a hawk, but nothing seems to be coming up. Are there any other sites where there is a reasonable chance of finding an out of stock but relatively recent Filofax binder?

  15. Dasha
    Have your tried Amazon?

    And click on 'Request from another seller' but no on-line store...

  16. Hi Erin, there is a calculator available for the personal and a5 size, I have some of these in stock at the moment in the shop.

  17. ShepCraig
    Tell us about your shop please. We can add a link to our links page


  18. Any suggestions for a fine or extra fine fountain pen that will fit in my pen loop, for under $50? Almost everything I can find seems to be way too fat to fit my pen loops, even though the loops have some elastic in them (Scanda filo)

  19. Hi, My shop is a branch of a british company called "The Pen Shop", and my branch is located inside the "Jenners" department store in Edinburgh. We have the biggest range in our company, and the largest range in Edinburgh, possibly even Scotland.

  20. Dasha! I asked Brigitte at Filofax in London and she said they do still have some Eden binders at their store although I'm not sure what size. You can call them at:

    44 (0) 207 499 0457

    I don't know where you're located but if you are calling this number from the US you'll dial:


    Good luck!

  21. The Pen Shop now added to our links page.. Thank you
