
02 May 2010

The Pen Shop - Edinburgh

Craig has kindly sent us some pictures of the Filofax displays at The Pen Shop, where he works in Jenners department store in Edinburgh. It's a while since I've seen such a large display of organisers so well displayed.

They pretty much sell all the organisers and refills that are available to them.  They believe they have the largest range in Scotland.

So if you are in Edinburgh pay a visit to the shop and see the wonderful display and be sure to ask for Craig.



  1. Fantastic display, and excellent selection of products! I know where I'm going next time I'm in Edinburgh!!

  2. Oh my gosh, if you could see the expression on my face right now!!! Is the word "Ken, this shop is gorgeous!!!

  3. Wow! Talk about being in your "happy place". Those pictures left me speechless!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. So now you know where it is.. you just have to think of an excuse (if one is needed!) to go their with your other halves and then look all surprised when you see the display of Filofax products!!!

    Not that any of you would be so crafty!!!

    Only kidding........


  5. Thank you for all your comments. Had an exciting day today, got some of the new range in stock. The Cuban in the colour ink is beautiful. Domino purple conference folder will be very popular I think. Songbird and heart look better in your hand than they do in the pictures.

  6. Graig, I envy you for your job! Being able to hold en handle each and every filofax that is available ....

  7. I just started using mine again and I really forgot how much I liked the feel of it. And of the pages.

    And of seeing new ones that I can think about buying :)

