
25 June 2010

Free For All Friday No. 84

Is it Friday again... it must be... and nearly the end of the month too. So with holidays just around the corner for most of us, are you adapting your Filofax in any way to cope with your changing life?

And of course you are more than welcome to discuss anything Filofax related here... no vuvuzela horns here please!!



  1. Filofax USA now has its full selection of 2011 diary inserts in stock, including the Family Organizer insert for 2011.

    Filofax UK has had their 2011 diary inserts in stock for several weeks now, so I've been very impatiently waiting for the US website to get theirs!

  2. Filofax France also has their 2011 Recharges datées in stock, some different formats available on there that aren't available in UK even!

    So I might go native and buy from there this year, not decided yet on my format for next year yet.

  3. Alas, I keep hoping for personal page per day in cotton cream. Or even two page per day. I love using my fountain pen, but it doesn't look near as nice on the white paper which is thinner.

  4. For anyone who hasn't seen Gala Darling's awesome post about how she's using her new (Raspberry personal Metropol)you absolutely must go check it out!!

  5. Me again, with a question this time:

    Does anyone know if any of the personal size Filofaxes at the lower end of the price range have a front pocket similar to the one in the Guildford and Amazona? I love that pocket but both of those organizers are way out of my current price range.

    Thanks for any info! :)

  6. THANK YOU! I too love that pocket and wish they all had them. But that's a pipe dream.

    Cuban (I know, I know, too high priced) has it and also Urban - lower price but also not leather. Those (and of course the elusive Piazza) are the only ones I know of...

  7. The Urban has this kind of pocket - here's a picture of mine.

  8. Urban!! I was looking at these about a year ago. Hmmm...

  9. I'm thinking about getting a Filofax Domino in Pink or Snake but I have a question that I can't seem to find an answer to... What size are the rings on the Domino? I like to use the 2 pages per day or page per day layout. I have a Franklin Covey that is cute but has tiny rings. I can't get anything in it.

  10. Bridgett, the rings in the Personal size Domino are 7/8 of an inch. And because of the elastic strap (rather than a snap) it's easy to stuff it full. Mine holds a lot!

  11. I've just survived, I mean, finished my first year at uni and well, my filofax has proved handy for planning revision for exams, as well as my social life. I'm going to take my summer holiday as an opportunity to find new ways to become yet more organised for my second year this October and also rearrange things so that pages and sections are more convenient in my filofax. I'm now using a Finchley Vintage Rose but would still like to add either a Teal or a Jade Green (or possibly both!) to my collection :p I can't get enough of these things.

    I just put in an order at city org (just google city org) for loads of refills, such as cotton cream note paper, etc, and also a hole punch (will come in useful as I want to add so much personal stuff to it). I only put in a bulk order as there is a 25% discount code around (expires July 12th I think it is). The code is 'SUMMER25' if anyone is interested. Just put that in without the apostrophes :) Some of their stuff is slightly cheaper than on other Filofax selling websites, so definitely worth a look!

  12. Angela, could you give some more info or a link on city org? Googling is not getting me anything that looks like a store. Thanks!

  13. Sure thing.

    This is the link in question:

    Hope this helps you on your Filofax endeavors :) Also, worth a mention is the fact that the store also stocks Vivienne Westwood bags and purses amongst other stuff ;)

  14. Where on earth does June 24 means the holidays are "right around the corner"??

  15. Joy
    Here in France and in UK, this is the last week of school for most children before they start their 6-8 week 'summer' holiday. Children in independent schools will have already broken up for the Summer holiday.
    I can't vouch for elsewhere with regards to the timing of school summer holidays.

  16. That is going to be a BIG adjustment for us moving to Scotland and our kids won't get out of school for the summer until early July!! That is diabolical!! Where I come from, school is out at the beginning of June at the latest! Summer break should be 3 months long, in my opinion.
