
07 July 2010

Anyone familiar with this seller?

Reader Colie emailed me to ask if I am familiar with  this Filofax seller on ebay, located in Austria.  I am not but perhaps one of you are?  Have you purchased from this seller before, and/ or do you know anything about how they acquired their collection?

It is quite an amazing array of vintage and discontinued Filofaxes, including several I've never seen before:  blue Buckingham, Ostrich, Kensington, Keswick, Portobello, the list goes on.  Some are multi-colored which I never knew existed.  Several green Filofaxes there for those of you who are on a green kick!  ;D

What do you think?


  1. Morning!

    I checked the offerings:

    - This seller seems to be a professional shop in Vienna owned by

    marion novotny
    seidengasse 38
    1070 Wien
    Telefon: 0699|11335307
    Fax: 01 9078 101

    According to ebay, Marion is in business since 2002. She has sold over 2.400 articles and has 100 % positive ratings.

    The ratings are mainly in German testifying Marion to offer good products with a friendly contact and fast and reliable delivery.

    If you know Vienna this lady is in the 7th district ("Gemeindebezirk") named Neubau which is a lovely hood with a lot of flair.

  2. And you do this to me why??

    Totally digging on that ZITRONENGELB one - it would go fantastically with the CITRON VERT ; )

  3. Oh, great! Just as I was going through withdrawal...where's your compassion?

  4. contacted the seller marli who said "...We had bought the Austrian sole agency of Filofax some time ago, we have only some left now."

    marli also said they DO ship to the US.

  5. Those multicoloured ones are brilliant, so eighties! There are young trendy art students from East London who'd kill for one of those.

  6. I bought a filofax savannah from him/her. Excellent service.

  7. I've dealt with her in the past. Excellent service.

  8. I've dealt with her in the past. Excellent service.
