
29 July 2010

Date for your diary - Philofaxy Chat on Skype

The Twitter streams have really been busy and buzzing with chats between some of our readers this last week or so. One of the wild ideas that came out of these discussions included a face-to-face meet up in London some time in the future. Of course arranging a suitable date might not be so easy. But I think you will agree that it's a great idea and let's hope it happens one day soon.

In the mean time we would like to get as many people together for a chat, mainly about Filofax, but who knows where the conversation will lead us. So far some star readers and contributors have said they will try to make it, so come on line and join in the fun.

When? - Sunday 8th August from mid-day (US East Coast time), 5pm London time, 6 pm Paris time etc.

Where? - an on-line chat using Skype.

What do I need? - just a micro-phone and a free Skype account.

Who - All of you... connect up with Philofaxy and we will attempt to get as many of us linked in to the audio conference as possible.

Like last time I will try and report back.

I know there are several of us looking forward to putting a voice to the usernames so please pop in if only to say hi and to introduce yourself.


  1. That's cool. That would be 9am California time. I am glad to see that this blog has so much more activity now and I am happy to read that the Filofax (my favorite), or let's just say paper organizers are getting their mojo back. I have been using the Filofax since the 80s and I am still a big fan. It was last year that I did not buy a diary refill - probably due to the new smartphone and iPod that I got but they just don't do it for me. I need to write with a pen, take notes and make lists by hand. So, back it is to the Filofax. I have to admit that I just ordered a Domino Personal Filofax in Navy Blue. It was on sale at Filofax USA and I could not resist. Oops, I also added the Fresco Pocket to my shopping cart.
    My question here to the Filofax Folks - How do you like the Domino organizer, has anyone had issues with the rubber band breaking? Can it be replaced easily?
    Thanks all for keeping this blog going.

  2. Susanne,

    I have a few Domino binders and really like them. The first Domino's band is getting a little stretchy, but not so much that it won't hold the binder closed, just more so than when it was new. I've never heard of one breaking. The band does allow for a lot of stuffing items into the binder that can't be done with many of the leather ones.

    Hope you enjoy your new Domino!

  3. Thank you for your response to the Domino. I chose that one so I could stuff everything in there.
    I am looking forward to setting up the binder - that's what I enjoy the most.
