
02 July 2010

Free For All Friday No. 85

Welcome to July!  I hope you are having a great summer.

I know there are several of you out there who have made some changes with your Filofax systems.  Tell us about it!

And as always on Fridays, feel free to ask questions or have any other Filofax chat you wish.

The floor is yours!  :)


  1. OK I'll start.
    Well vacation for me this week was a mess. I was to have off from Monday thru Friday, then my company (and we can get more into that later) asked that I finish another managers project as he had been terminated. So a weeks vacation turned into a few days vacation. (and by the way my company gives vacation like it was a million dollars)anothers words they don't. It's use my 2 weeks a year or lose it, no carry over.
    Anyhow, with some help from Laurie, I've been looking to move to a different planner style (NOT FC) so I've been researching different planners that are bound rather than ring style. I realized I never take anything out of my Filo or add anything. So my new adventure is to try a Moleskin planner but I needed something more in the way of looks, not just that plain black cover. (For me the cover is as important as the planner pages.) So I ordered something new. A brown cover for a Moleskine planner from Renaissance Art yesterday. It is really nice and Laurie had one made and said she liked it very much. Now I'm kind of a "Man's Man" Polished on the outside but an "Indianna Jones" type on the inside. So I love scratched, rough looking, heavily used looking binder covers. And this may be just that. Also the cool thing will be the ease of filing the previous year, just pull it out and insert the new one. One time a year. And by the way, this company has fantastic looking bags for laptops too! Look out RA you may have just found your next best customer!

  2. So you took the plunge and ordered a cover!! I hope you'll post photos of it when it arrives!

    And I hate to get too off-topic, but do you mind telling us which Moleskine you're going with?

  3. Just wrote a blog about my Filo system change at

    Gregor: I hope you realize that now I am going to start calling you "Indy" : )

  4. Three cheers for Yvotchka and her Filo triumph!!!!

  5. Indy here, LOL.
    I ordered the regular Moleskine cover for the 12 month Daily planner. They called me and were out of the planners (since we are so late in the year) so I ordered the cover and then ordered the planner "2010" from another site. For only $10.00 mind you. I'm not trusting myself to order the 18 month daily, and besides I'm a stickler for January thru December planning. I'm excited although I won't give up my Filo in case this doesn't pan out. Like I put in a previous post, my "perfect" Filo would be made of 3/16" bridle leather with 3/16" rings, and look like it was run over by a stampede of horses.
    By the way if this doesn't work can I blame Laurie? hahaha.
    No really, THANK YOU for all your help.

  6. Is anyone using the personal size Horizontal diary format? How does it feel using it? I like having lines to write on so I switched from the cotton cream 2pg per week that came with my Scanda to 1pg per day, but I don't need quite that much room and miss seeing the week. But the vertical week format with lines doesn't have the times. What is your experience with it, does it feel awkward rotating your planner to see your calendar?

  7. Hi, Platitude

    I am using the horizontal diary. No big thing about it. With this calendar, the Filo Personal fits perfectly between my iMac and its keyboard and I can overview the whole week. I don't have to rotate the Filo because phone numbers and e-mails are stored in the computer's address book.

    Does this answer your question?

    Best from Germany,


  8. BernhardS: Found your post on using the alphabetical indexes to organise information most useful. Are you one of the folks that carries your Personal Buckingham everywhere? If so, HOW do you carry it? Backpack, shoulder bag, in hand, etc. Just curious, as I find the capacity of the Personal ideal, but the "carry-factor" cumbersome.

    PS "Don't cry for Argentina..."

  9. Hello again!
    I've made some little changes to my filo as we're getting to know one another - no major changes yet but as I have quite a bit to say about getting started with my filo I've blogged instead of making a gi-normous comment. I hope that's ok? If anyone wants to have a peek it's at
    and the photo's are on Flickr too:

  10. DJ!

    When I began using a Filofax, there were no electronic planners available. One had to use a paper instrument, and many preferred the A5 Time System in Germany.

    As an employee during the early 90-s, I carried the Filo in my briefcase every day. Being self employed, it rests on the desk or travels with me, in a rucksack for private tours or in a briefcase for business.

  11. Viel Dank für die ausgezeichneten Spitzen!

  12. Interesting discovery: I recently bought a Kindle. It fits 'almost' perfectly into an A5 top loading plastic pocket.

    I was planning on cannibalizing one of my FC Classic binders to make a case for the Kindle. Nothing was a good fit (too thick and bulky).

    I have to take some paper out the binder to make it workable, but it looks like it may actually be a workable solution.

  13. JJ:

    The other day I was thinking of using my Filo as a tippet holder for flyfishing, simply with some plastic envelopes.

    What kept me from doing this: Fishing documents in Germany are mainly in A6 (2 of which make an A5). The A6 paper format is incompatible with the Filofax Personal.

  14. Bernhard: Perhaps your fishing documents could have one vertical and one horizontal fold, if that is permitted. Then they would fit [133612] Personal Envelope, top opening. Consult origami sensei STEVE.
