
20 July 2010

Guest Post: A5 Planner Page

In the in-box this morning was an email from reader Neil Atkinson,

I have been a reader of the blog for over a year now - and think it's great!!

I have also (like many) floated between paper Filofax / Franklin Covey / iPhone's / iPad's etc etc - but until now, not stumbled upon a system that works for me. So - I made my own.

I've used it for a year now and so thought the time was right to share it. You will probably see influences from various other templates out there - I've just selected the bits I need and put them all together. I print them out on A4 back to back, then guillotine them to fit neatly into my A5 Filofax (brown leather Kendal if you were wondering?).

You will notice a lack of dates on the pages? I find it works for me, as some days I have nothing to input - therefore I simply draw out a new page from the section in my filofax when needed, write the date in the greyed out events section and put it in the relevant calendar tab area. If I have a task to complete way, way into the future, I can write the date (Jun 15th 2011 for example) and slot it into place in readiness.

Thank you Neil, I've added Neil's 'Actions' template available in our Files area.


  1. How Cool! I recognise Behance's Action Method, which is very useful for projects.
    I just think he should have submitted more images!! :D

  2. This is very helpful! Thanks for sharing.... would love to hear how you use the rest of your Filofax too.

  3. Fantastic. Are these professionally printed or did you do it at home?
