
22 July 2010

Users on Twitter?

As you know Philofaxy has been on Twitter for some time, and we feed updates on the blog out via Twitter. 

In the last few weeks I've noticed a lot more Filofax related traffic on Twitter. Quite a few of our readers are now following each other and exchanging ideas and pictures via Twitter.

Are you on Twitter? Do you want to join in, put your Twitter username in a comment and join in the chat.


  1. Great! I'm @cathryncook ;O)

  2. I'm @plannerisms

    And let me just say, I love the Twitterfeed on Philofaxy that picks up tweets with the word "Filofax" in them. I love to sit and watch the scrolling Filofax tweets! :) Thanks Steve for setting that up awhile ago!

  3. I've created a list of our users/contributors on Twitter... all the usual suspects!

    Clicking on the list here:

    Will then just display those peoples output... not everything seen by Philofaxy.

  4. I'm @sjl1974 on Twitter.

  5. Laurie,

    Not sure what you use to look at Twitter? But if you use something like Tweetdeck, you can have a separate column for 'Filofax' searches and that's how I spot people and then follow them on the Philofaxy account...

    Need more info... you know where to find me... that goes for all of you!

  6. Hi Steve, I just look at Twitter on the Twitter website. TweetDeck sounds interesting though!

  7. Slightly late to the party but I've been away :)

    I'm @nickie72 on twitter - looking forward to tweeting with you all :)

  8. I am @david_bosman on Twitter.
    Note that I mainly tweet in French ;-)

  9. I'm @iris30606 on Twitter - and our German Filofax blog is @filomaniac.

  10. I'm @TallOracle and @DearFairies on Twitter

    Still a newbie to Filofax-ing and enjoying your info! Thank you :-D
