
25 August 2010

Back to School Plan?

So with the school holidays nearly over, although as we know the children in Scotland have already gone back to school.... thank you Laurie!

Whilst in the local supermarket yesterday there seemed to be more French children than usual, but it was explained when I saw them all carrying a list of things they needed for their return to school next week, lots of stationary... The super markets gear up for this rush on demand and they allocate even more aisles for paper, pens, binders etc... sadly no organisers or planners.. I think they are missing a trick there.

I came across a useful blog post on the 'Day Timer' blog - Make a Back-to-School Plan for Family, Home and You it might give you a few ideas about the return to school and the transition in to Autumn.
So are you using your Filofax to plan the return for your children to school and make the most of the remaining days off?



  1. This is so true! When I grew up in France we didn't really have any special organizers to write our homework down. Although I have to say that my first introduction to the world of organizers was made in one of those supermarkets. I found a personal sized organizer that I immediately adopted. The only problem is that I couldn't find refills anywhere since they were not that popular so I gave up on that system for a while until I came to England and discovered Filofax!...

  2. Well I have a list of things of what I need to buy to get my 10 year old son back to school. Also have a list of what he needs to go in his emergency pack....he is diabetic so he needs a pack in school. All wrote down in my Filofax. lol

    By the way, hoping to move house soon, does anyone know where I can get a "house moving" template from. Everyday I seem to remember someone or other who will need contacting etc. Would be much easier if I had a template at hand?
