
20 August 2010

Free For All Friday No. 92

Having recently moved over to my Pocket for day to day note taking, I did the very satisfying job the other night of consolidating my To-Do lists in to the Pocket as well. At last it seems to be working for me as I've had a busy but very productive week. 

I'm now keeping my to-do lists at the front of my organiser, they are more to hand there and I don't have to go hunting for them. One of the advantages I suppose of a ring type organiser.

So have you made any small changes to your Filofax recently that had a bigger impact than you might have expected?

But as it is Friday,  you can of course discuss anything remotely Filofax related.....



  1. Good Friday to all...I was just browsig eBay this morning and look what I've found....
    Somebody is selling Filofax good luck everyone :o)

  2. It’s not a “small” change but I’ve recently switched from a Pocket Chocolate Finchley to a Personal Raspberry Finsbury and am loving the switch to a Personal-size. Though I love its portability, my pocket just got too small and it got to a point where I dreaded using it as it was a pain to have to read my tiny scribbles and to make the effort to write small.

    With my Personal Filo, I’m getting a lot more use out of my Filofax and writing in it does not seem like a chore anymore! The biggest difference so far is that I’m actively updating my finance pages with my daily expenditure which I didn’t use to do with my Pocket Size. Amazing that a mere switch in Filofax size should help me get more organized!

  3. katka.m - I wish you hadn't sent that link now, I'm drooling but am on a shopping ban so no chance of my bidding :(

    On further inspection on eBay, I found these:

    and I want one in each colour of both styles!

    But don't think I could ever replace my filofax...

    Not something I did recently, but about a month and a half ago, I started adding an index card per week to my filo as there was no space for me to write stuff I needed to do during the week (something which the cotton cream refills have) and I have found it made my planner neater AND I am more inclined to actually use them than if they were incorporated into the refills somehow.

  4. We leave for Hawaii bright and early tomorrow and of course..typical addicted to filofax questions come up.. Do I bring it? Do I trim it down a bit?.... My filo had its own adventure last year when I left it on the plane at JFK and it took a solo flight to Ohio but someone was nice enough to return it to me.. So of course my boyfriend says "You have to bring it to Hawaii because what else are you going to leave on the plane this time?"

  5. Just done a quick post on my own blog about how I'm carrying my pocket Filofax/Wallet for your enjoyment

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hey everyone!
    Just a quick note that I have changed my username from gregorym.
    So when you see a post, yes it's me.
    Also I needed an out for what is rambling around in my head and decided to create a blog about life at the 1/2 century mark, planners (of course) and pens.
    It won't be near as good as this one, nor most of the ones that I read from all of you but I needed an out.
    Any help and your thoughts will always be appreciated!
    The address is:
    Thanks ahead of time for all your help!

  8. Hi all, I have just received my personal finsbury in raspberry yesterday. Very quick service as I only ordered it on Monday from the UK. It is indeed a gorgeous colour as I have heard many people say already, and I will have fun using it. Hope I won't miss my brown classic one too much... I will post pictures of it soon.
    And something else: Nan how is it going with the filo retirement? You never told us if it worked out or you took it back into use.

  9. Just recieved a brand new in box, Brown Personal Ranger Filofax from e-bay for £5.00 (£10 with postage). Now how's that for a bargain. What a fab filofax this is, love the big pocket on the front....could easily turn this one into a large purse/wallet. Hoping to move house soon, so this may be the one to handle the move.
