
21 September 2010

Filofax Binder ID?

One of our readers contacted us a few weeks ago as they were trying to identify the model of their Filofax, I received the photos this evening. Do you know which model it is and an approximate age?

I have had a quick look at the old Filofax photo archive but I couldn't identify this particular model, but I might have missed it.

Please add to the comments if you can help identify this binder. Thanks.


  1. looks like a windsor to me. but a VERY late model if you ask me. I could be wrong!

  2. From the outside look, it reminds me of the Kensington but not from the inside since the Kensington has got a zip pocket at the back. It looks older than the Kensington though...

  3. I have exactly the same one! But on my one is written "Lincoln".

  4. Also thought of the Kensington, although the leather wouldn't be as shiny if it indeed was a Kensington.

  5. It looks a lot like my first Filofax, a beautiful blue Piccadilly (I still wish they made this style - it's perfect but now the little leather tab on mine is very worn and about to break) - I got this one back in 1998 while on a business trip to London.

  6. Looks a lot like my Buckingham, but maybe an earlier model:

  7. I think i have a similar model at home. I will check it out tonight. I bought it in 95

  8. Believe me it's a Lincoln

  9. The photographed texture of the leather and the stitching remind me of an Eton.

  10. I'm the guy trying to ID this filofax. Thanks for all the input!

  11. Anybody heart of faked Filos from China yet? Maybe this model is not an original - I could develop several points for that idea:

    - The golden lettering is not complete in comparison to original Filos: The fourth line is missing, usually telling the material and number of pockets

    - The quality of leather and stitching doesn't look too valuable - at least in comparison to my own old Filos.

    - The arrangement of pockets is reverse in comparison to a "Grosvenor" illustrated in a Filo brochure of 1987.The refs of this model were 9KLF or 8BK, the latter should be printed in golden letters as I explained above.

    - Experienced experts of this forum can not identify this particular Filo - maybe simply because it is not an original but a remake with several mistakes in the details.

    What do you think, experts?



  12. the thought of having a faux filo has crossed my mind. The first thing I noticed about mine was the gold printed lettering, not embossed like most other filofaxes that I've looked at while researching mine.

    I got this at a second-hand store for $1.60, so even if it is a fake I'm not too concerned.

  13. It could be a Sherwood, looking at the Japanese photo archive they have a Sherwood but not one showing the interior or exterior in detail.

  14. No, it's not a sherwood, it's a Lincoln. I have a Lincoln and it looks the same.

  15. It's a Lincoln. I had one in dark tan. I really liked the simple design.

  16. This will be a 90's model made after the watershed period early in that decade where the quality dropped and the brand moved "downmarket". Very unlikely to be a fake.

  17. Great, thanks everyone for identifying it as a Lincoln!
    Consider me a new member of the filofax family.

  18. Quite sure it is a Lincoln.

  19. I'll tell you what it is, it's an original late 1970's early 1980's calf leather binder before they started naming them, how do I know, I have two in my collection of Filos and yes I am 100% certain, the lining gives it away. The extra lines of script later on were 1. the Name and 2. The descriptor, as in 4clf 7/8, which means 4 pockets, calfskin leather, 7/8" rings, ok?

  20. Actually it's a Canterbury

