
17 September 2010

Free for All Friday No. 96

A lot the time, I use white, lined pages for lists, like shopping lists. For the grocery and pharmacy, I keep a running list and cross off each item as I buy it. I just add new items to the end of the list.

When one side is full, I've discovered I can turn the page over and upside down, and fit it back into the rings. That way, the back of the page becomes the front.

For more long-term tasks or large purchases, I use the To Do pages.

How do you keep lists? Do you wish there were different kinds of list pages?


  1. Good friday to everyone. Regarding shopping list, I use just plain pages, which I take out of the filofax when I`m in store.
    I have two questions for Filofax experts :o) 1) Do you know which personal Filofax had the bigest rings in the past? 2)would anybody be able to identify the filofax on the picture ?
    Thanks a lot for help and have a nice weekend !

  2. I used lined pages for grocery lists but I think they are a waste of my lovely Filofax pages so now I use a little book (also better to quickly glance at meal plans).
    My to do pages get used a lot for work projects, remembering when to pay for certain things ( for example I need to send a cheque for my scrapbooking kit before the 29th of each month).
    I have a section called 'fun' in my Adelphi where I make lists of things I may want to treat myself too, good places to eat etc.
    Enjoy the weekend everyone. Sorry I won't be able to join the tele chat.

  3. For grocery lists I use a sticky note stuck on my fridge and add items as I run out of them. Then when I go to shop I just grab the sticky and go.

    But for other lists, I have an entire Lists tabbed section in my Filofax. I keep all kinds of lists in here, from short term to long term.

    If I have a lot of things to do in a particular day, I do a "brain dump" on the first page behind my lists tab of everything I need to accomplish today.

    Other lists I keep in my lists section: gift ideas for birthdays and Christmas, so when I get an idea while I'm out and about I can note it immediately; books to read; books to get (so when I'm at the library or bookstore I can remember what I want to pick up); my magazine subscriptions and when each expires; long-term to dos.

  4. I have my ongoing shopping list on the very first page of my Mini Filofax. I just shop with the Filo flipped open. The big plus is that since the Filo doubles as my wallet, I always have the shopping list present as well. No more frantic because I forgot the shopping list on the table at home! I use outdated pages of larger Filofaxes (A5 and Personal mainly) and cut and punch them to fit the Mini.

    @Katka: I'm certain that the picture shows a Cuban Slimline in Chilli colour. Still available at Filofax.

  5. We use a Rhodia note pad for shopping lists.

    Although I tend to use my ToDo lists in my Pocket for longer term shopping lists such as Amazon and Filofax where is pays to put in a certain size order to reduce postage costs

  6. @Jotje...thanks a lot. I thought about it, but the Cuban Chilli has white lining...also the picture was taken 2 years ago and that filofax already seemed quite worn...was Cuban available 3 year ago?

  7. I make a lot of lists - sometimes I even make lists of the lists I need to make! I must confess to being slightly dissatisfied with the available index options - I really need a 10-part index with an index page at the front (which I could easily improvise) - anyone know of a 10-part index which is available in A5 and/or Personal?

  8. I use a similar system as Nan for medium-term lists and information (e.g., the address and hours of operation for a museum or gallery I want to check out soon; household items I'm running low on). When the info is no longer relevant, I cross it out; when I reach the bottom of the page, I flip it over.

    For shopping lists and my many right-now to-do lists (mini-brain dumps for when I'm about to do a single, intricate task; often that means a quick outline of what I'm about to write), I use the many scraps of paper that inevitably find their way into my handbag or onto my desk: receipts; the slips of paper (like receipts) the public libraries rubberband to reserve books for identification; the clean side of junk mail; the clean side of the paper slips that bear product information (like the slip that comes with Filofax inserts). I also guillotine off margins or other white space from things printed on both sides (if the clean area is large enough). I use bulldog clips to keep the scraps together, and a magnetic one to keep the grocery list on the fridge.

    (This is why it takes me years to finish a pack of post-its. It I need the scrap to stick, which is rare, I use a bit of masking tape, which leaves no or minimal residue on most surfaces and finishes.)

  9. @Katka, I have no idea how long the Cuban slimline has been available. Maybe post a link of the picture at the filofax-facebook page? I'm sure Jon from Filofax will reply!

    @David, yes there is! Time/System has plastic indexpages, numbered 1 to 10. They are part of index set. Here's the link to the picture:

    They are not exactly pretty (far from), but very handy. I have the same index pages since 1998 and they are still intact!

    I checked on, but can't find it there, which I find rather odd ... Maybe you could call them and find out?

  10. @Jotje...:o) I`m the last person who is not at the facebook yet :o) I managed to contact the owner of the picture. Let you know if you were right.

  11. The cuban range was only released at the beginning of 2009.

  12. I have my grocery shopping list blu-tacked to my kitchen wall and add to it as needed but I have various lists in my filofax (including items to buy, books to read, my bucket list, house project list). I use a variety of paper depending on my mood....

  13. Great tip on flipping the page over, as I tend to only write on the right hand pages.

    I use lined, unlined or grid paper for everything except addresses and my checkbook.

    I've bought a bunch of To-Do pages, but am using them mostly as scratch paper. I never really warmed up to them and find a simple ruled page more flexible.

  14. David: Maruman makes a nice 10-tab index set in Personal Size (known in Japan as Bible size--exact dimensions as the sui generis Personal). The Maruman tab set has a lined Index page at the front as well, per your specifications.

    In the States, we can buy these items at Kinokuniya Bookstores, along with Maruman's "Data Plan" paper, beautiful quality, about $4.50 for a 100 sheet pack in Personal size: lined, blank, or lined light brown Kraft.

    But unless Kinokuniya has expanded its empire to the U.K. and/or the Continent, these items may be for "U.S. Eyes Only." Special relationship, or not...

    By the way, I normally restrict my ravings on this blog to Filofax, but just came across a fantastic pen that I must share: The Uniball Jetstream. It's kind of a hybrid biro/rollerball/gel, and it's the smoothest pen I've ever used. It dries in about .1 second, so it won't smear, even on southpaws (er, lefties).

    Twas mentioned as part of the "ghosting toolkit" by Robert Harris in "The Ghost." Par mal!
