
08 September 2010

What to Wish for Wednesday

So what do you wish for when you look on the fILOFAX site... and why?

Tell us in the comments...


  1. I think i would like to have a dpp format similar to the one moleskin has. I would also like to have the "Personal knightbridge" re-issued, or something close to.

  2. Links through to their 'approved' stockists, where there would be 'proper' websites and not just 'how to find us' info.

  3. When I enter the Australian one - I hope that they've finally made it a shop :\

  4. Diary options re-worked for 2011 that can be used with monthly tabs.

    Why? Because I'm sick of having to use other brands of diary inserts in my Filofax...but I will until the day they update their diary pages.

  5. I don't think I need to say it - Malden in the US! (Though supposedly that wish will be coming true in October...)

  6. A Bare Truth,

    There is a personal Knightsbridge available now on e bay, black lambskin that looks to be in good shape, you might check it out.

    There is really none of the current product line that I "have to have". I would like to see them bring back the 1 1/4" binder rings in the personal size.

  7. @ crofter:

    This particular offering is not a Personal, it's a Pocket Knightsbridge.



  8. c o t t o n c r e a m!
    I want cotton cream A5 diary options, and more personal size cotton cream options as well. Dpp and Dp2p especially, perhaps with a bit of a re-design as well. My personal Scanda with cotton cream is way more fun to write in, but it's just too small so I have to use A5 with Time/Design inserts.

  9. A Filo made as tough as nails.
    Stop the soft leather that scratches so easily.
    Could they bring the Winchester back please.
    Why not produce something everyone seems to want?

  10. Not wishing for a particular Filofax right now as the Finsubry, Finchley and Dominos are all I need! Until Filofax comes out with their next awsome design that is..

    I've always thought that their website should have a list of best-sellers/most popular Filofaxes and maybe a personality quiz type thing such as "Which Filofax suits you the most!" They should also have a Filo review section in the US site like they do on the UK site.

  11. I would also like cotton cream in A5 as well as inserts that work with monthly tabs. Also larger rings

  12. Third on the cotton cream sheets!
    That they make their regular paper more fountain pen friendly.
    And the monthly tabs are also a great idea, so count that as another vote! :)

  13. Oh my, the list is endless (is Filofax actually gonna read this here?):
    1) Cotton cream diary pages in A5
    2) I REALLY need a 2PPD format in A5!
    3) Pink Day per Page refills for the Personal
    4) An updated stockist list. I'm sick of finding out that listed stockists have gone out of business, or moved entirely. How hard can it be to keep those stockist lists updated ...?
    5) Could please become a shop, too? With REASONABLE shipping costs?
    6) Plastic Zip-envelop for the Mini
    7) Frosted rulers with ALL Filofaxes
    8) Any ruler with the Mini
    9) I want to be able to buy empty binders, I'm drowning in diary papers here, that I have no use for.
    10) Also it would be awsome if you could choose the diary format (or refills in general) when buying a new binder. Just give us a dropdown option list where we can check the desired items
    11) The A5 Domino in some fun colours!!!
    12) Wallet pocket for the pesonal size binders.

    Good thing I'm such a modest and easy to please woman .... ;-)
