
15 October 2010

Free For All Friday No. 100

Do you decorate your Filofax, inside or out?

I am not at all creative, so I don't decorate my Filofax.  I don't even put in pictures.  Pretty lame.

But I admire those creative people who decorate their Filofaxes!

Here are some Filofaxes I find particularly inspiring:

Gala Darling's Metropol

Cateaclysmic's Metropol

The Glamorous Grad Student's Domino

Do you decorate your Filofax?

And as always on Fridays, the floor is yours for anything Filofax related!


  1. I'm not at all creative either, so no I don't. However, this raises an interesting question regarding whether there are more left- or right-brained FF users!

  2. I had already seen that post from the Glamorous Grad Student and I just love what she did with the dividers. I also found them a bit boring and I managed to find some nice pictures to print on them. This is also what's good about Filofaxes: the ability to decorate them in many ways. I'd be really interested in seeing more blogs showing decorating tips for Filofaxes!

  3. While I consider myself very creative, I've so far not ever touched my filofax. I guess my Filofaxes are more about functionality and less about being pretty ;-) I do love nice diary layouts, but I won't do anything about it, if they happen to be "not nice enough".

  4. Whereas I don't decorate my filo, I do like to use coordinting accessories. My A5 Mustard Finchley is used with a deep green pen and has neon (yellow, orange) post it strips in the pocket that I use to tab pages and sections.... For Christmas this year, I'm expecting an Eton Pocket that I will use my Mont Blanc black with platinum trim - very posh! (As a long time fan of "Upstairs Downstairs" the name Eton just reminds me of the fancy Bellamy family home in Eton Square!!).

  5. As you can see on Flickr, I made covers for my Filos and some tabs for my "Travel Filo" - and I love to decorate my DpP diary with stickers and memorabilia like tickets and other stuff.

  6. Leave mine all business. Only 'pictures' are mindmaps of items being worked on. These can be found on blank/grid paper within tabs.

  7. I don't put anything in my Filo as far as pictures, etc.. On the wk/2 pgs. there just isnt room. Any thing else is usually punched and inserted that way.

    My journal which is bound is different. I use the Pogo printer from Polaroid, they are 2x3 prints with self adhesive backing so you don't have to glue them in. I also put in alot of things in my travel journal that were interesting aspects of trips.

    A question; how do you A5 users archive your Filos? I really dislike the post binders that Filofax sells, if you want to copy something you have to tear the whole thing apart to get what you want, and it takes long to put it back together than it does to take it apart. What do you use?

    For personal size I have found Rite in the Rain binders work really well. It is their model 210, it has 1" rings and not expensive. For those interested the best place to by them is:
    The only thing I don't like about them is they are bright yellow, but as the old saying goes, "beggers can't be chosers".

  8. Iris I really enjoyed looking at your pics. The photo where you said metropol was eyeing your new mode suspiciously was hilarious. Love the personal covers you made using the Filofax images as they look quite chic.

    I haven't prettied up my filos really except for sticky labels and the Filofax stickers but I do write my appointments in different coloured pens to make it look nicer!

  9. I use photo corners to mount postcards on the dividers. Then when I get bored I just change the postcard.

  10. I just finished mine and posted about it in my blog,
    I liked very much my filofax without the decorations but now I love it!

  11. First of all, just wanted to say how great Philofaxy is looking; I'm back after a few months of not checking in and I love the new features you have introduced--thanks!

    I don't do any extensive customising with my A5 but I do have a photo of me and my husband in there along with the occasional humorous or aesthetically pleasing postcard just so I see something nice when I open it up. I have thought about jazzing up the dividers but so far haven't.

  12. ScrapGal, I love your divider pictures! Very pretty and inspiring. And I LOVE the gorgeous red covered notebook you made for the back pocket! I wish I were creative like that!!

  13. Sorry to change the subject but I just wanted to remind everyone that it is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and filofax do several products that if purchased, they will donate money to the charity. 2 organisers, a pen and a series of accessories are available too. Its a charity that needs donations and the stuff makes great presents.

  14. Thanks for the reminder Shepcraig. I posted about this yesterday and philofaxy very kindly highlighted it in their Thursday finds :-)
    It is an excellent charity so one of their filos would definitely be a gift with meaning.

    Scrapgal I really love how you decorated your FIlo and it is great to see another Adelphi featured. The red is amazing. I posted a comment on your blog too and so excited to have found your blog via philofaxy. Looking forward to browsing your scrapboooking layouts.

  15. Yes shepcraig thank you VERY much for reminding us of the excellent Filofax products that benefit the Breast Cancer Campaign! They are beautiful products for a very important cause.

  16. I might have some "creative" things to post at some point since I just made a bunch of my own dividers and pages out of old legal pads and cardboard. I blow through pages so fast, I would spend a fortune on to do lists if I kept buying the official ones. :( So far my only decorations are a birthday card and a wedding announcement that I punched and put in the rings in the week they happened.

  17. I'm intrigued to know where people find post cards etc which seem to be exactly the right size for their Filo. eg. I was looking at Scrapgal's site and the lovely inserts she put it seem to fit exactly. How did you do it?!

  18. First of all thank you so much for your kind comments! Nellie, to answer your question, I used Photoshop elements where I scaled the image so as to fit inside a 171mm x 95mm blank template, added the phrases and the borders and printed it. You could also use your printer's software to scale and print an image but you'll probably have some cropping to do as well in order to match the exact measurements of your page.

  19. Fantastic! Thanks for the advice Scrapgal, I am inspired to have a try myself. I am going to turn my classic personal into a "bookofax" for keeping my reading lists, and book blog ideas in. I like the idea of having printouts of book covers in there as inserts.
    I'll let you know how I get on!

  20. I have never decorated my Filo in the past. However, when I was last at Michael's I was admiring all of the scrapbooking accessories.

    For those unfamiliar:

    Scrapbooking is something I wish I had the time and patience to do. Then I thought that I could buy the accessories (stickers and the like) and add them to my Filo - mainly, put them on days where it would make sense (a travel sticker when I'm away, etc). It's something I'm thinking about for 2011...

  21. Filofax may represent the ideal balance between left- and right-brain thinking. That is, to organise is left-brain; to do it in an analogue manner (pen or pencil and paper) is right-brain. I work for a corporate identity firm. Back in 2000, the Palm Pilot was all the rage, and our entire team had them at the ready during a big meeting with the Adidas contingent. We Americans, smitten with technology as usual, couldn't understand why the German contingent all had paper planners and pencils (Some Filofax, most Time/system). Someone asked the Germans why they didn't use PDAs. After an embarassing pause, the seemingly modest but (upon reflection) enlightening answer came: "Vee like to doodle."

  22. DJ LOL!! I love that they still wanted the creative outlet of doodling during meetings.

  23. President Kennedy was a famous doodler, as well. Doodling, far from being a distraction, could be a necessary adjunct to creative thinking--somehow serving to "free up" the ideational process.

    Then again, it could simply have been that the meeting was boring...

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;)
