
24 October 2010

Newsround up.

A few small news items and topics to cover today..

Firstly over on our friends in Germany Filomanic blog, they are holding a poll asking how many years have you been a Filofax user. Go over there and vote. But also with the aid of Google Chrome or Google Translate take a read of some of their excellent articles if you can't understand German.

Katie tells us that WH Smiths in UK seem to be having a continual up to 50% off sale on Filofax Organisers and accessories at the moment, check out what is on offer on the WHS website or pop in to one of the stores.

Our friend Giovani in Brazil pointed out a Japanese blog post (in English thank goodness!) about using Index Cards to organise information. Might be a worth a look, punched they will fit in to your Filofax.

I also saw Donna Young's site mentioned on Twitter, whilst it's not Filofax specific, anything with planners and calendars is of course adaptable to fit a Filofax so it's included here for good measure!!

If you are in to interior design... you have to have a matching Filofax! It's in the first picture of this post

As I mentioned yesterday, our friends in USA, Susan and Yvotchka where meeting up in New Hampshire. Susan has blogged about their great meeting and so has Yvotchka. It's great to read about these meet ups even if there are only a couple of people.

And finally, since introducing the 'you might also like' links at the bottom of each post three weeks ago, our page views have increased by 42% compared to the previous 3 weeks. In this last month we have exceeded the 40,000 page views in the month for the first time.

That's about it from me, have a great week.


  1. Great post!
    I'm so excited, just ordered a pocket finsbury from WHSmith (for only £18!) I can't wait til it arrives :D

  2. Now I'm beginning to understand all the traffic to that particular entry on my blog!

    Thank you for including me ;-)

  3. Help! Does anybody know an online shop in Europe that sells Dayrunner Pro (Portable 2PPD) refills? charges 36,50 USD for shipping alone (the refills are only 26 USD!).

    Also, did anybody ever use the tabbed monthly pages from Filofax? Ref. 6824511? Any good?

    And I'm totally bummed that WHS won't ship overseas ....

  4. @Steve
    Thanks for spreading the word!
