
01 October 2010

Philofaxy Yearbooks [Updated]

I remember as a child (a long time ago now!) getting annuals or yearbooks at Christmas for different TV programmes I used to watch as a kid. It was all part of the fun of Christmas I suppose.

Well now you can relive those glorious moments with a Philofaxy Yearbook...  I've exported the blog by years in to different PDF files. which are available in our Files section (scroll to the bottom of the page).

The maximum file size is 3 Mb so you could easily load the files on to your PC, Mac, iPod Touch, Kindle (could this be the excuse you have been waiting for to buy a Kindle?)  and carry around the whole of Philofaxy as a reference, or for late night reading... although we do not claim they will cure your insomnia (always read the label and consult your Doctor if the symptoms persist...)

The yearbooks include the comments and weblinks. They also contain a table of contents and they are also searchable too, including the comments, which is an improvement on the website even!

Should you want to, you can of course print out the files, may be in A5 or A4 and store them in a spare Filofax...

Yearbooks for Philofaxy
A 2010 edition will be made available once we get to the end of the year.

If you find these files useful, you might consider making a donation to the BlogBooker site that helped me create the files. 

I hope you find these of interest and I would appreciate any feedback you have either in the comments or as an email to philofaxy at gmail dot com


  1. Thanks Steve. I was wondering how I could go about saving my blog and you provided me with the answer. I plan to start going through all the old philofaxy posts from 2005 as well....... so exciting!
    And best of all, this gives me another reason to get a new filo. Win win all around. Enjoy your weekend :-)

  2. What a brilliant idea! Thank you so much for doing this!

  3. Thank you so much for this. It's a brilliant idea!

  4. In California-speak, "way cool, dude!"

  5. WOW! Impressive! And a very neat idea. Thanks for putting this all together!

  6. This is awesome! Thanks Steve!!

    It STILL won't convince me to buy a Kindle though. I remain stubbornly anti-tech. *Humph!*

  7. Wow! Thanks for putting this together. Very impressive. Question: is it just me, or are the comments listed backwards for each entry? That's how it looked to me, but I just had a quick glance. Will have to look into it further when I have a moment.

  8. Yes they are Sue, but there's not a lot I can do to correct that. it's a quirk of the RSS/XML feed.

    In some cases it doesn't matter they are just isolated comments, but yes it does make it harder to follow if there is a thread of discussion.

    I will send the author of the site I used a feedback message to see if they can remedy that problem and also the other problem I had.


  9. Thank you Steve!! I agree with the rest; it's a superb idea!

    And I don't need an excuse for the Kindle.
    I need money! :D

  10. Steve, thanks for giving us yet another reason to buy more Filofaxes. Obviously all those years won't fit into one Personal binder, so we'll have to get one for each year .... hehehe.
    Are there instructions on how to print on personal size paper?

  11. Right 2007 is now sorted... so it is like the other files in that it now has a Table of Contents and the file is complete.

    The site author I used to create the files is looking in to the comments problem, so we might have that side of things sorted soon too.

    If that happens, then I will republish the files. So watch this post for updates.

    I'm about to update the post to take out the stuff about 2007 being different.


  12. Comments now fixed too. With big thanks to BlogBooker

  13. Thanks Steve - I shall very much appreciate trawling through these - possibly on the train to/from London on business trips.

    I'm with Laurie though.....I do not, neither will I ever, own a Kindle. So far as I'm concerned the only proper place for a book is on paper, between (preferably hard) covers, on my bookshelves at home!
