
02 October 2010

Slogan Competition... We have a winner

We set you a task of coming up for a new Filofax slogan a few weeks ago. We had a lot of excellent suggestions, twenty six in total.

They were all excellent suggestions which of course made our job as judges quite difficult. But after burning the midnight oil for a couple of evenings, we decided on a winner....

And the winning entry is:
'FILOFAX your life... one page at a time'

The winner is Zairah who lives in Malaysia. Naturally Zairah was very pleased to be the winner especially as she there is only one supplier in Malaysia and their prices are very high. 

So as promised I've ordered Zairah a diary refill of her choice and it will be on it's way to her this week hopefully.  

Zairah did log in to the Skype chat the other week and enjoyed listening in and putting voices to names. 

Once again thank you to every one that took part, they were all excellent entries and the three of us enjoyed deciding on winning entry. 

Thank you to everyone that has bought Filofax items via Philofaxy, each purchase no matter how small, helps support the site and also supports competitions like this one.

Here are the entries we received by the cut-off date:

1 Filofax for the love of paper.
2 Filofax: Organise your life to the max! ;o)
3 Filofax- touch it, feel it, love it.
4 Filofax....Organisation for the masses
5 Filofax.....The best way to organise
6 Filofax......Stylishly Organise
7 Filofax: One is Never Enough!
8 Filofax - 'Contain the Chaos and Make it Portable'
9 day, my way
10 Filofax Your life, your way, to go
11 Filofax Your life, your way
12 Filofax: Live Your Life To The Max!
13 Filofax - " The Luxury of Natural Planning.."
14 FILOFAX your life... one page at a time!
15 Have you FILOFAX today?
16 Fill In Lots Of Fun And Xtra in your life... one page at a time!
17 Filofax: Your life experiences. Your style.
18 Filofax-Filo ergo sum.
19 Filofax-Annoyingly organised.
20 Filofax-No Batteries Please, We're British
21 Filofax: Your life. Your style.
22 Filofax: Truly you.
23 Filofax makes your day.
24 Filofax - Simplify your Life!
25 Filofax - Why settle for less?
26 Filofax - Your life in your hands!


  1. Thank you again Steve, as well as to the other judges Nan, Laurie, for picking my entry :)

    So glad to have won, and my red A5 Finsbury is now eagerly awaiting the prize :p

  2. Congrats Zairah, I like your slogan!

  3. Congratulations Zairah!

    It was really difficult to choose a winner, there were a lot of very clever entries! Many thanks to everyone who participated!

  4. Excellent slogan! Congratulations!

  5. hello...congrats Zairah....Steve, would be possible to post the other entries?

  6. Yes it would, but I will remove the name of the contributor if that is ok? Save their blushes....

  7. GREAT slogan! Congrats Zairah! I love it! Is FF going to change to this slogan now?

  8. Who submitted 18 to 20? Love it, especially no. 20. Highly doubt though, that Filofax would use that one! LOL

  9. Who submitted 18 to 20? Love it, especially no. 20. Highly doubt though, that Filofax would use that one! LOL

  10. Jotje:

    Mea culpa.


    #20 It helps if you've seen a certain play in London's West End.
    #18 Reading WAY too much Réne Descartes lately.
    #19 What can I say? The truth will set you free.

    Riddle I heard once in Amsterdam:
    Q. Who are the happiest people in Europe?
    A. The Americans!

    Groet van Californië.

  11. congratulations Zairah!! It is a great slogan, and I think it deserved to be the winner. :D

  12. Again, everyone did a great job on the entries. It was very hard voting!
