
04 November 2010

Is your Filofax just for you?

We always think that our Filofax is our own personal organiser, but I'm sure a lot of our readers use their Filofax organisers for organising their families. Especially people with busy school age children, who these days seem to have a far more active social life than I can ever remember!

So when I read a blog post by Susan it got the brain really ticking... Susan's 'Me Binder', is solely for herself. I won't describe Susan's 'Me Binder' you are better reading her post in full. But I'm sure a lot of people will be following Susan's example.... oh yes... another use for that spare Filofax that has been sat on your shelf... what you don't have a spare one.. I won't say any more!


  1. Mine is definitely just for me. Being only 18 I don't have much planning to do for anyone else!

  2. Good for you, Katie! =) Thanks for featuring my post, Steve.

  3. I only share the A5 Filo about the kids with DH. He's very careful with the binder itself, but it annoys me that he keeps adding notes on random pieces of paper (the other day the backside of a letter!) with his notes, leaving me with the choice of either just punching it or rewriting the whole thing ... (sigh).
    My recipe binder is for everyone to see and open and use. Strangely though, it never motivated anyone to actually do that and - heaven forbid - to start cooking ... LOL

  4. My rabbit filo is specifically for and about my rabbits. Not that I let them use it (they'd love to nibble it!), but it is the record of their medical care, food,birthdays, likes, dislikes -- everything that a temporary or permanent caretaker might need. Hubby pays no attention to any of that, so I've felt the need to document it carefully!

    My computer/electronics filo is a record of everything electronic we own, upgrades, downloads, original purchase details, final disposition, etc. Plus it has lists of future purchases or maintenance needed. Since I maintain our home network of 5 computers (give or take a few), it pays to know what I installed when, or which computer had the funky virus!

  5. Petra, a filo designated to your rabbits? How awsome is that? Could you upload some pics on Flickr? I really would love to see that!!!!

  6. I love the idea of a Filofax just for your pet, Petra!

    I don't have kids, so my Filo only includes me! I am toying with the idea of having one for work and one for "extracurricular activities" though.

  7. Millie - I don't have kids either. But my main Filo is more for appointments and things that need to get done whereas the Me binder is all about self-improvement.

  8. Since I take care of most things around the house, I note down bills and things like that in my Filo. Important appointments for my flatmates or friends sometimes go in there, too.
