
16 December 2010

Free for All Friday No. 109

This week is one of the darkest of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, anyway. A good time for quiet thinking and reflecting and thinking about the next new beginning. Or there may be a lot of hustle and bustle in your life right now. Is your Filofax a useful companion right now, or a project in need of overhaul?


  1. I totally agree with this being a time of renewal or reflection. I have recently converted my A5 Rasberry Finsbury from everything book to just for work only. This has freed up my overflowing A5 to be easier to turn pages and still elegant enough for a work meeting with consultants or the mayor. I took the pages that were "personal life" and archived them into the A5 filofax black binders and have started everything personal in an old skool merlot color personal filofax that I had found off ebay that was not being used.

    I still love using my personal size slimline as a wallet with the checkbook and financial pages. The big question about separating the work and personal life into their own filofaxes is now having a smaller place to write journal and baby updates now into the personal pages. Before, I would tote around the A5 with work in the second half of the pages and personal in the front and right in the middle was where I had plenty of room to write in my journal. I have started doing my journaling in the personal size and will see how that goes for a while. It is quite nice to have that separation from work though and not toting around the A5 home every night...hum thoughts to ponder for the new year! I will try this separated work and home system for at least a couple months to give it the real college try and then see how it works.

    I did hint to hubby for Christmas about a new personal size filofax in either blue finsbury, chameleon rasberry or the red malden. Oh the beauty of them all! To dream to dream...about santa!

  2. Here in the far north (57 degrees N) we are really feeling the short days. We've been having beautiful sunsets on our way home from school (3:30 pm!).

    I've been thinking of something to try with my Personal size Filofax: I've never used the 2 Days Per Page diary inserts and am wondering if they would be the magical compromise between the weekly and daily.

    Can anybody tell me the days setup of the 2 Days Per Page? For example, do the days go:

    Monday-Tuesday, Wednesday-Thursday, Friday-Saturday, Sunday-Notes? This would result in the days being in the same positions each week (which would help me visualize my week).

    But if in that cycle Sunday and Monday share a page, the result would be that the days cycle through different positions on the pages and would make it harder for me to visualize my weeks.

    Can anybody who has used this format confirm which it is? Thanks very much!!

    Happy Friday everyone! :)

  3. I'm considering moving my personal life into a 'personal' size filofax abnd leaving work in an A5 version. Does anyone here print out anything for their personal from standard A4 paper? Is it possible/messy etc? There are some standard pages that I would find it useful to reprint.

  4. Sunny and 35F here on Long Island. Just back from quick visit to West Yorkshire and looking forward to upcoming visit in Spring to see new baby in the family. Major overhaul for me, Nan. My A5 Mustard Finchley for - I have sections designated for projects, but I really haven't used the To-Do's nor the Address Pages, and I write over all the pages and keep loose notes everywhere. For 2011, I'll be switching from Week on 2 Pages to One Day per Page Business format so I want to make this look clean and well organized! Pocket panama for personal life will be going into archives as Santa is bringing a new filo, but I'm now planning what to archive or what to bring to new filo.

  5. Erin - I have a similar system as you're describing - A5 for work and personal for home. I wrote about this a few Fridays ago so I won't bore everyone again with it! And yes, it's lovely to not have my personal journal and notes in my work binder and be thoroughly confident that anyone at work only sees work stuff in my Filo there.

    Laurie - as I wrote on my post a few Fridays ago, I do use the 2-days-per page and it's a nice compromise for me. The pages are:
    Mon and Tues on one page.
    Wed and Thurs on one page.
    Fri and Sat on one page.
    Sun and an equal size block for notes on one page.
    I find it perfect for writing space and writing my journal notes and doodles.

    Happy Friday everyone!

  6. Had to phone Letts Filofax Group in Canada regarding something about my last order. When I gave the customer service rep my name she said she remembered my name from seeing it on so many orders! I suppose that means I might be making too many orders? Of course not, NEVER! :)

  7. luminosity, thank you so much for the day layout info! I will have to give this a try. And I'll have to look up your reply from a few Fridays ago for the details!

  8. Right now, I'm using my vintage calfskin personal filo as my wallet. I've got lots of card sleeves to keep my gift cards, shopper loyalty cards, coupon cards, punch cards, Also, my drivers license and main credit cards. So, yes, my filo is keeping me organized and is my constant companion :-) BTW, I get alot of interested stares, whenever I get my filo out of my bag at the register. Once I even got an "Aha!" look from a guy as I pulled three different gift cards to pay for my purchase! Maybe he'll be a new filo convert.

  9. Plaiditude - I only wish to reach "recognizable" status with the customer service reps. =)

  10. Question for people. On a Week on Two page diary with appointments. What time span do people prefer? 8am - 8pm or different?

    Also what interval should the appointments be in hourly, 30 minute or 15 minute?

