As always thanks to everyone who sends me links to share with you.
- Day Timer Refills - Sharon is trying these out, some great pictures
- Craft-o-Fax - Sharon has also done an update on her Filofax she uses for her craft activities
- Crafted Filofax - ScrapgalGR has done some great section dividers in her red Adelphi
- Filofax Kind of Friday - Jaded Vixen, I also liked the Christmas list template
- One more day - Caribbean Princess - How do you remember birthdays, other than your own? Happy Birthday CP
- Hearts Filofax - Sharon has found a great use for her Hearts Filofax.... look out for her great piggy bank too!
Until next time.... enjoy.
Hi, I got a blogspot and posted the pictures (of my pocket red butterfly) i mentioned in the chat.
Was good to talk (type!) to people this afternoon!
Sorry to have missed Skype session yesterday but I was having birthday fun! Hope it went well :-)