
19 February 2011

Filofax sighting: Home Alone

Last weekend I watched the movie Home Alone with my kids. It was the first time they had seen it (and they loved it, proving the 80's have trans-generational appeal), and I hadn't seen the movie in at least 10 years. So imagine my delight and surprise to see a Filofax in the film!

For those of you who have seen the movie, the Filofax is at the part when the parents are in the Paris airport and are trying to phone someone back home to check on their 8 year old son, whom they inadvertently left home (alone). The mom hands a big, fat, black-covered Filofax to her sister-in-law and says, "Here's my address book," and asks her to call everyone in it.  It's a classic 80's Filofax moment! Filofax to the rescue in a crisis.

Have you discovered any surprise Filofaxes in movies or on TV recently?


  1. oh man i used to watch that movie like every three days on vhs for years of my life. so happy you posted this.

  2. I posted this on the Filofax Club board on Facebook a couple of days ago:

    Noticed today while watching a last season episode of Sex and the City ... character Aleksander Petrovsky (played by Mikhail Baryshnikov) is sitting in front of a coffee table with what looks like two filofaxes in front of him. The personal size is lying open so I can't tell what kind of binder it is, but then ...there is a closed pocket sized one sitting further away from him on the table that looks like a pocket sized mini in chocolate brown ostrich ...

  3. Jennifer Aniston's character in "Friends with money" uses what looks like a black pocket Filofax as her address book.

    And in the 2nd movie of the Millennium-trilogy appears a binder that is an organiser and doubles as a wallet as well. It is brown, and appears to be wider than the Personal. I guess it might as well be a FC Compact.

    In "The Women" there is a very short desk shot with an opened Filo.

  4. Something's Gotta Give" with Diane Keaton (a famous Filofax user so much so that Filofax designed a coin purse named after her) has at least one filo in the movie. One situated on the corner of her writing desk and the second on her night table. Also, anyone in the states knows about this reality show with Gene Simmons of KISS called Family Jewels. He is ADDICTED to his filo.. There are scenes of the show of him going thru and making notes in his filo as his family goes to him for advice...

  5. there are quite a lot of filofax appearances in sex and the city. in the episode where charlotte starts treating her love life as a business, she uses one to arrange dates/appointments! and samantha uses them at various points throughout the seasons, off the top of my head there is a red one that i would guess is a classic?

  6. Thanks for that Jess... you just reminded me.. I was going to include a character question in the 'Reader Under the Spotlight along the line of

    'Which of the Sexy in the City characters are you?'

    I can have a wild guess about some of them!!!

  7. Diane Keeton used them in several 80's movies, I guess. I am pretty sure she used one in Baby Boom when she was the high-powered ad exec.

  8. I'm not sure if it's in the first SATC movie (I think it is) or in one of the episodes, but Samantha definitely has a red one, possibly an A5 Classic. She has a stack of fliers for differnet events in it, and she pulls one out and hands it to one of the other girls.

  9. Alex, I think it was rather in one of the episodes. In the movie she has this iPhone that she's constantly talking on ...

  10. The villain character in the Die Hard movie uses a Filofax.

  11. @Karensa - that's great! Filofaxes: not just for the good guys.

  12. I would imagine that there's some fat Filofaxes in Wallstreet. It's THE 80s-movie, so it just has to be.

    Can anyone confirm?

  13. This is slightly off topic since the filofax wasn't in a movie or on TV, but I just spotted a beautiful ivory filofax on the shelf of a desk unit in my latest Lowe's woodworkers magazine. It was beautiful. Made me think maybe I'd like that Ivory Deco, even though I don't like the big clunky buckle.

  14. I just remembered that the movie Cast Away has a scene where Tom Hanks' character discovers he has to take his fateful trip on Christmas. He and Helen Hunt both whip out their Filofaxes to figure out dates. They both flip past world maps and calendar pages. It's a great Filofax film moment!
