
14 March 2011

8 ink colors in one Filofax!

Because my A5 Domino has two pen holders, I can put both my Bic 4-color pens in the original colors (black/ red/ blue/ green) and the fashion colors (purple/ pink/ turquoise/ bright green) in my Filofax! The color-coding combinations are endless!

And yes I do realize what a huge geek I am! ;)


  1. Neat idea Laurie. It almost sounds like the line from a song... or it should be!

  2. geek? are you serious? practical is more like it!!! can you imagine having to carry around 8 pens??? i am such a fan of the multi-pen in the filofax and 2 of them are even better!!! i, in fact, ordered 2 more multi-pens last week - (pilot coleto's) one of them with the mid-grade plastic case to house a .03 AND a .05 pencil (if they had a .07, i would get that too) an eraser and a colour (i'm thinking .05 black gel ink) the other is the cheaper case that holds 5 colours where i will put apple green, clear blue, apricot, orange and pink - .04 gel inks... how's that for 'practical' heh heh

  3. I loved my mutipens before i started using the frixion pens. Like Laurie, i love loads and loads of colors in my Filofax! But since using the frixion pens, i couldn't go back to using regular inks.. wish Pilot would make muti-Frixion-pens!

  4. This is purely awesome. Not geeky at all!!!

  5. Love all the colours , i like my planner to be bright and cheerful !

  6. OMG - I didn't know you could get those in fashion colours now. Will have to get the next person visiting me to bring some over. Definitely something I can't live without. Will have to get 2 so I can have one for my A4 Metropole that I have just ordered for work, and the other for my personal Finsbury in aqua - too cute :o)

  7. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me (but I LOVE different colour pens!!!). Just seen the post with your new set-up... look forward to reading an update as to how your new system is working for you.

  8. I can't get the fashion colours in Canada....but I totally love the idea...

  9. These are exactly the pens I use in my Filo! I keep them clipped into the rings of my Malden.
