
18 April 2011

Time Mamangement with Filofax - Diary Options - Update

I have done some further research in to the availability of diary options I mentioned in my previous post. Oh I wish Filofax had an international site it would save us all a lot of time!

The Personal Day on two page insert used by Jotje are also available from the Filofax Germany site, sadly the German site will only despatch to Europe and not outside of Europe. It is also available on the Filofax USA site. It's code number for 2011 is 6841711

The above inserts also appear in a very recent blog post by Kanalt with comparisons to Day Runner inserts.

In addition to the inserts I discovered in my last post there is also a Week on Two page insert that appears to be available only in French on the French site:

The French Filofax site does offer international delivery.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy! Been reading this great site for a while so thought I would finally sign in!

    I have been stealing template ideas over the years and now have a set of A5 templates, including (some Time Management ones), that I use for my work Filofax - a lovely A5 Brown Hampstead (similar to Kendal but better!)

    Incidentally, I also have a lovely brown Finchley Mini for personal stuff that I use as a wallet as well

    Anyway, if you think it would be helpful, I would be more than happy to upload these to share with others

