
28 June 2011

Free For All Tuesday No. 21

Think of a question.... any question... as long as it is about Filofax, we are hear to try and answer it.


  1. A question from one of our readers...

    Does anyone use the 'Digital Note Paper' sold by Filofax:

    I've seen digital pens for sale here in France. But I've never tried one.

    I've seen this Staedtler one for sale, but I notice from the product description that it's only Windows compatible not Mac

  2. It's Tuesday?

    Ok that wasn't Filofax-related. But THIS is: I am psyched by two awesome Filofax purchases I made yesterday: an Aqua Finsbury personal size, and an expandable Finchely tote that I've been wanting ever since I saw it in London last April!!

    I ordered the Aqua Fins from I Love Pens in the UK:

    And I ordered the Finchely tote from Pens and Leather. They are having a huge closeout sale on Filofax bags and accessories. I got the tote for $100 off!

    My in-laws are coming next month so they will bring these to me, because these are things I can't get through the mail here due to customs regulations. I'm so excited! I've been wanting these for a long time, but until now was either too broke or couldn't get them in the mail. I'm so happy I was able to get them while they are still available!!

  3. Hello! Has anyone already used the new compact size?

  4. @Mary - I was given a compact Osterley last week and it is lovely. Very vintage looking, it reminds me of the 80's Filofaxes.

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  6. A colleague of mine uses a digital pen and was incredibly taken with it for the first couple of months or so. He still uses it (a year later) but thinks it is about 70% accurate, which is not quite as reliable as he had hoped.

  7. @Saffy. Thank you and lucky you! How does it go with the 15- ring? Is it enough for an everyday use? I hope to find a solution to the dilemma between personal and pocket.

  8. The 2012 London Olympic filos are now available from UK filofax site.

  9. @Saffy : I absolutely agree with you! I have the Osterley Compact in Plum and think it is gorgeous, the leather is really nice and it definitely has an 80's touch.......

  10. @ Mary - I know your dilemma well and have been using a slimline in my handbag which I love but it can be restrictive. If you put too many pages in it can make turning the page difficult as it gets stuck on the opposite page.

    The compact came with 12 months cotton cream diary week to view and cotton cream slimline indexes which had plenty of room for page turning.

    I took 6 months of the diary out, and replaced the index tabs with blank tabs. I have managed to fit quite a bit more in than the slimline bearing in mind the cotton cream paper is thicker than the standard white.

    Although it is early days yet I would say it was a good compromise and what I have been looking/waiting for. I find if the rings are bigger then I just cram more pages in much like a large handbag, you carry more to fill it up.

    If like me you don’t feel the need to carry the whole 12 months diary or archival information around with you then it should be fine.

    I only carry essential information, spare pages and 3 months (slimline) and 6 months (compact) diary pages. If I need more room then it would be easy to accommodate simply by reducing the diary down to 4 or 5 months.

    Hope this helps.

    My only complaint would be that the slimlines and compact don’t come with divider tabs or a ruler so I have had to use what I already had.

    Hope this helps.

    @Sari - I also have the Plum, isn't it lovely? Much nicer than the pics in the catalogue and online.

  11. And the Purple Songbird is in too....

  12. I noticed the purple songbird is in! Very tempting.

  13. @Saffy. Thank you. You were most helpful.

  14. We can now also see the detail in the 2012 organisers. The fill looks very different, one specifically for the 2012 Games. Quite colourful.

    Why can't we therefore have some of the other FF site Diary inserts on the UK sites...

  15. The Union Flag filo info says 6x 19mm rings is that correct?

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  17. Seems I pressed the wrong button ;-)
    @ Mary: I can fit 7 months of W2P, one week of D2P, ToDo list, year planner, some note pages, some information pages and some adress pages in the 15 mm rings, with 2 rulers and blank tabs. I can understand your dilemma VERY good, I changed a couple of times between Pocket and Personal..... I find it a bit easier to write on the left side of the rings in the Personal - in the Pocket size the rings always seem to be in my way and I find the Compact/slimline more handbag-friendly than the Pocket.
    @ Saffy: Yes, the pictures in the catalog make it seem a lot less pretty. I was lucky to discover it in the Neal Street Shop at a visit to London- just from the picture I would never ever have bought it.

  18. i have been using the chameleon compact for about 2 weeks now. i love it. i had previously been using a pocket slimline topaz, a pocket malden, and the personal malden. the pockets were just too small in terms of reading and writing (i take a lot of notes) i generally write somewhat small, but i get kinda claustrphobic sometimes - even on paper. and the personal was just too bulky.

    in the compact i carry 3 months of daytimer tabbed mo2p. i'm going to switch to ff mo2p since it's on thinner paper and the months start on mondays. plus since it's not tabbed with the extra to do section/diary section on the front and back of the individual months, 12 sheets gives me the whole year as opposed to 24 thicker sheets that are tabbed. tabs are nice but i really only need a tab for the current month so i use a flyleaf for that. i do like to carry the whole year for reference purposes. currently, i have the horizontal year pullout. i also have 2 months of wo1p.

    i have 81 sheets in there total + 1 clear ruler and 1 daytimer picture ruler. this includes the 1-6 tabs, the top ff transparent envelopes i have at either end, 2 daytimer transparent envelopes i have for my todo / zones section, and 2 transparent flyleaves. if i remember correctly, its 23 pps until tab 1. (i carry more notes than calendar.) i want a dense but thin filo. the compact is perfect for that. some of the stuff you put in the transparent envelopes does add bulk - so ff paper-wise i would say you could probably fit about 125pps comfortably. ff paper only (white not cream), however, and probably more if you don't mind that stick you get when it's overfilled. i will blog about this in in a week or so. LOVE the compact.

  19. I don't know if I missed it, but I never saw who won the Filo competition for designing a new Filofax. The deadline was back in January, and I never saw anything come out about it. Does anyone know?

  20. Oh I have seen the purple songbird too! I love it. I have a green one, maybe I should transfer my contents over for a change of colour... Should at least keep myself from buying it I think.

  21. Congrats Laurie!!

    I'd love to have the purple Songbird...but don't know what I'd use it for :-(

  22. I'm going to sell 2 filos on eBay soon.
    Do you think it would be useful to have Philofaxy folks' auctions listed in the Adspot area? I'd quite like that, but am aware it would be more admin.
    Just a thought...

  23. Has anyone had ANY success printing personal size papers (on the 8.5 x 11" size) using Filo Print-to-File software/print driver? I am ready to pull my hair out.

    I can print A5 size fine, but when I change it to personal size, it gets all weird, reduces the text/page image and offsets it. I'm somewhat annoyed as the reason I bought the software was to be able to print my own Personal size pages. Anyone? Ideas? Thx!

  24. one more question for you Filofax aficionados: in looking at the Personal "two days per page" refills, they all seem to have the multi-language on them. I've looked at the UK and USA sites. Are there any 2dpp refills that are English only? My w02p is English only and I like having the extra space to write on.

  25. After last week's question about smythson organisers fitting filofax inserts (thank you for the very helpful information, its personal size), i'm about to 'start again' with my organiser and buy all new refills (bliss!), I've got a diary insert on its way (got a smythson one reduced, the lady there has been beyond helpful after I ordered the wrong size accidentally).

    Soooo.... I'm getting a nice little basket together on the filofax website, but can't find any personal cream dividers with blank tabs - do such things exist? Or are there any other makes that you guys might suggest?

  26. terriknits, I ordered my 2011 2 days per pg in the UK and it's English-only, but you're right only the 3 language is listed on the UK site now. I'm sure it was listed as English-only when I bought mine because I don't like multi-language, so I guess they have now switched to 3 language? Too bad.

    Lydhold the cream blank tabbed dividers in personal size are usually available on the Filofax USA site but not UK for some reason.
