
13 June 2011

Web Finds & News - 13 June 2011

Not much to report on blogs about Filofax over the weekend, I've been busy with some paid work for a change! But here are some news items of interest to you all I would think.

And a big thank you to Imy for the big 'plug' for Philofaxy in her latest video, which is a 'must watch', I think I might know now where all our new visitors to Philofaxy are coming from!

Imy is certainly putting a lot of effort in to her video tutorials, and there's lots of hints and tips in them.


  1. Thank you, I like to plug Philofaxy, it is one of the best blogs ;-)

  2. Imy does great videos! Thanks for linking my new domain name Steve.

  3. Imy, I love watching your videos. ;-)

  4. Imy, your videos are great. Even though I'm a long-time user, I appreciate all your tips and the personalizations you make. Looking forward to the next installment!

  5. Yep. Exactly how I found this place. Actually, the path looked more like this. Millmollmac did a YT video gushing about the Aqua A5 Finsbury she received as a gift. You have it linked here:
    I then searched YT for other Filofax vids, found Imy & landed here about a month ago.

  6. Thank you for the ear complement TPS

    Thank you CP, Saffy, Silver Bell Girl!

    Nice to know people enjoy them, but if anyone wants me to do anything special LET ME KNOW im happy to do requests ;-) x

  7. The ears are adorable! Imy, you have such a great series of Filofax videos. I'm still configuring mine, so it's fun to pick up new tips!
