
22 July 2011

Free For All Friday No. 140

It's Friday.... the weekend is just around the corner.. but before you disappear to enjoy lots of sun, relaxation and fun times... why not tell us all about what you have changed recently in your Filofax.

But of course it's a Friday so do feel free to discuss anything Filofax related.

Bonne weekend..... as they say around here!


  1. I try to stay out of the sun (huddled in my a/c).

    Recently I added a world map to my Malden. I found a nice clear image online and printed it out on letter sized paper (landscape) and trimmed it down to personal-size height, then I tri-folded it to fit!

  2. Yesterday, I added the business card slot folder. On one side I have added prayer and quotation cards, words of wisdom which give me a boost and inspiration. Badly needed right now. On the other side I have added stamps- 1st class, 2nd class, large, and Christmas- (a few leftover stamps, still usable, but for Christmas tide.) Does anyone know of a thin mini pen, ie which would fit the mini Filofax, but which does 2 colours of ink?? Thanks folks.

  3. Oh, almost forgot!! I have been looking at the concept of vision boards recently, and have been meaning to start one. But.... you know what, a vision Filofax appeals, and is being started this very day. Will take a while to fill up the folder, and will be an ongoing project, but hey I've got patience!!

  4. Alison Reeves and I have spent virtually the whole of the past week exchanging emails regarding ways of configuring our respective systems, and running back over Time manager philosophy. As a result, and pro tem, I've reconfigured my Personal Hampstead back into GTD mode and layout, and I'm trying to collect projects and define next actions on the hoof', pending a proper collection phase per David Allen, although that will have to wait until August due to the large number of accounts filing deadlines I have to meet by 31st July, which effectively means I shall have to stay in firefighting mode for one more week.

    I'd like to say right here what a help Alison has been - our dialogue has really made me think about the way I use my system, and I think I'm nearer to having it properly bedded down for the future.

    Now I realise that decision-time for 2012 diary formats is coming into sight......argh! These things never go away, do they? :)

  5. @butanben Quick research has established that Royal Mail's UK-sized stamp books won't fit into a Filofax credit card holder.

    Another triumph for the folks at FF UK......ah well.......there's always the front pocket on my Hampstead as a *very* poor second choice, I guess....

    Great idea though

  6. personal A-Z index tabs in black leather

    Does anybody think they were discontinued at some point when they changed the packaging? I saw them in a store, but they were $10 and I already don't like that store from looking at their fountain pens. The paper is black too, and the bag might have been the old one with Filofax in blue diagonal patter. Online I found one seller out of stock.

  7. @David Popely - kind words thank you! Interestingly our discussion has led me to a different set up to David (as they say different strokes for different folks). David very kindly scanned in some very useful info for me to read - it was much appreciated as it was a lot of work!

    I have now completely re-set up my Filofax with new tabs and sections. I'll write more about it if it works as it's early days yet.

    I also enjoyed watching Snarlings videos which gave me some great ideas about using different styles of diary together for different purposes.

    The key to my new setup will be a daily and weekly review so I don't forget what is on my lists. This is something I really want to do that will make sure all my work is kept in mind, but I know it may take a bit of self discipline.

    I'm in London in the middle of August and plan to visit one of the Filofax shops on the afternoon of 9th Aug (probably Neal Street) so if anyone is around then would be good to meet up for a short time.

  8. I bought a square post-it block from Tesco (80p!) and have split it up into thin sections of each colour; to keep in my clear zip-lock wallet in my filofax for to-dos. :]

  9. David, that's uncanny - I've just read some of your comments on time management posts earlier this year and was about to email you to see if you'd be interested in exchanging ideas on creating a wider suite of forms in Filofax Personal size, incorporating some of the Time Manager philosophy. The draft email is in my office, so I'll pop something off to you later.

  10. @gerard *Definitely* send it over.....and as there i so much interest in this at the moment, would it be worth setting up a forum to discuss, or a group on Linkedin? @alisonreeves what do you think?....Even if it were just the three of us, it might be worth it.

  11. David, if you set up the discussion group, please allow me to join.

  12. @gdigesu @gerard @alisonreeves Discussion group (Yahoo), forum (proboards) or LinkedIn group? Opinions please.....

  13. David, I spend my typical working day behind a corporate firewall, so most forums are off limits - even *gasp* philofaxy, due to the blogspot connection.

    I can access the standard LinkedIn pages, so given a choice I'd go with that, albeit that I've no experience or knowledge of the group aspect.

  14. I've recently added reading list and book review templates to my Eton. The "Filofax Facts" book refers to Bibliophile inserts (page 48 of the book). The description reads like a sort of commonplace book index. Can anyone provide a scan or other information on this, so that we can develop and share a template?

  15. @Alison; @David
    I would be really interested if you could do a guest post (?) sharing your set-ups!
    Happy to join/contribute to a discussion group. No experience of any of the platmforms suggested but happy to learn!

  16. @Gerard Personally I find Linkedin group clunky, and the Yahoo Group option sounds more sensible, as it incorporates a files section on the group website (although we could obviously upload our stuff to the Philofaxy site as well, with permission.

    Shall I go ahead and facilitate?..... I'll need an email address for each interested party, sent to davidpopely (at) googlemail (dot) com.....

  17. I have just been to the post office and bought a book of first class stamps, and they fit perfectly into the credit card or business card holders.

  18. @shepcraig Tried mine again - no luck. Good for you though!

  19. @Amanda ditto my previous post then - send me an email (see above) and I'll set something up.

    As for a guest post, I think I owe Steve around 6 now, but I'll do my best....major firefighting of July 31 accounts filing deadlines at the moment :)

  20. Yes count me in on this one, and yes of course we can share the output on Philofaxy. David has my email address.

    I've been outside digging holes this morning... cold chisel and lump hammer not a spade! We live in Flintstones Ville I think!


  21. OK folks, Yahoo groupnow in place, you can join by going to and searching for time_and_life_management - or if you want to be sent an invite send me an email offlist to the address as posted above

  22. I just searched for time_and_life_management and didn't see anything which was obviously the filofax discussion group. I'll drop you an email :)

  23. @Butanben - what's a vision board?

  24. @Gerard - I do have a copy of a Bibliophile leaf, and I've just scanned it as a PDF. Let me know how to get it to you.

  25. @Gmax could I possibly have a copy as well please? davidpopely (at) googlemail (dot) com

    Many thanks

  26. The business card holder (with 3 top-opening slots on each side) works well for books of stamps.
    The credit card holder (3 slots at side) is too narrow.

  27. Sorry to have been so quiet this morning - have had some work to do so been a bit tied up. I noticed an invite to the yahoo group so will get on there later on. That is of course if I can remember my yahoo sign login!

  28. @gmax Aha! All is explained! Thanks for that :)

    Sorry people aren't finding the Yahoo group (no idea why, but it's obviously Yahoo being unhelpful).

    Try navigating to


  29. I think the issue with stamps is that sometimes, you get a special book, they tend to be a bit bigger with different sized stamps in them, I always ask for the normal stamps and they fit ok.

  30. @terriknits I saw your Malden this am! WOWZERS :D

    @Butanben A VISION FILOFAX! That's brilliant!!! Sending you xx

  31. I've opted to use one of my Filofaxes as a 'password' holder for all those various passwords one accumulates just by being on the internet!

    Not really adding anything to my filo but more like taking my filo out of retirement ;)

  32. Those of you who work for yourselves - do you record enquiries from people who may be interested in your work even though it didn't pan out this time? I don't want to put them into my contacts, but it would be nice to record them somewhere - any ideas?

    The only thing I can think of is the have a contact sheet just for this purpose and file it under P for prospects!

  33. Alison, there are a few templates in our Files area:

    Customer Records and Contact Management, may be adapt those to suit? They are in A4/5 format too.


  34. @David and @ShepCraig. I am sitting here with my A5 planner and a plastic business card wallet I got with it4 card slots on each side, and my stamps fit beautifully on the back, little books of 6 stamps in each. Maybe you were trying personal??? I will look up the Yahoo group too David, just out of interest, as I have a separate GTD filofax.
    A vision board is a picture board,ie visual way of outlining your goals, where you would like to be, the type of future you'd like to envisage, the behaviours and ways of being which are important to you.There is a lot about vision boards on Google, not just the how to set one up,but how they actually seem to work to bring serendipity into your life. Much like visual prayer. It really is a very interesting concept. Your vision board is yours and unique to you. Worth looking up on Google. I have chosen an aqua coloured Finsbury planner, as that seems a peaceful colour and right. Bought much reduced in a sale!!

  35. @Butanben - I've also acquired an A5 Finsbury in Aqua for a similar purpose. The idea is to encourage me to spend some time thinking about life and what I want from it - and to find a way of getting it! I race through my days with work, dogs, housework etc and I need to stop and smell the roses sometimes!

    @Steve - thanks for the contact sheet ideas - I was really thinking about where to file them (i.e. under which divider) however it might be useful to track my contact with some people, so I'll check them out thanks!

    Gosh this has been a lively Free for all Friday!

  36. Just joined the Yahoo group, thanks for setting it up David :)
    I use the GTD paper planner setup & it seems to be working well so far.

    What's changed recently - just bought a couple of small & cheap Tesco notebooks to try them out in the notepad pocket at the back of my Malden.

  37. I got my new personal Finsbury today!!! No changes there yet, as I haven't even finished the set up (gotta wait for my new pens to arrive...:)).
    But the new Finsbury means a lot of changes for my A5 Domino, which I've been using for both business and personal purposes up until now. Finsbury will be my everyday FF, and the Domino will be dedicated to crochet business only.

  38. My thoughts go out to the people of Oslo this evening.

    I know we have readers there. So I hope none of them or their family or friends are hurt or injured in the attacks there today.

  39. I join you in your good wishes and prayers for the people of Oslo and Norway Steve, and our fellow Philofaxers there.Just got home to the news. Dreadful!

  40. @David Sent you my e-mail address. As soon as I get the invitation, I will join.

  41. @Steve Just turned on the tele at the office. Dreadful !
    I join you in your good wishes and prayers for the people of Oslo and Norway.

  42. gmax, if you see this comment, please send the Bibliophile leaf to gerardmccabe [at] eircom [dot] net


  43. I am also praying for Norway and those suffering as a result of that tragic event. How senseless.

    I also joined the Yahoo group, and thanks to David for starting it. I use some GTD thinking in my teaching Filofax (A5 Snake Domino) yet am ignorant of the Time Manager system. Off to do some research and reading...

    @Allison--look forward to your new setup!

  44. I recently discovered Filofax so I've been playing with three (!) Personal ones: Classic Pink, lavender Metropol, and raspberry Metropol (I know, that's sick). I love the Filofax notepaper!

  45. @gmax
    If you see this comment, please send the Bibliophile leaf to gerardmccabe [at] eircom [dot] net


  46. I joined the group but then every time I have tried to post something (bar once) or to look at files, Yahoo keeps on demanding that I log in. I tried to post tonight that this was happening, but could never get out of the circular log-in; see the members area; try to do something; appear not to be in the members area; log-in; log-in; log-in;log-in; be sent to some random business part of the site.
    Any ideas guys?? I have cookies allowed and am on the latest Firefox.

  47. Amanda
    Try deleting the Yahoo cookies and clearing the cache on your browser. Then try again.

  48. Thanks Steve, but... still no use...
    I log in okay, and member only stuff has active links, but then as soon as I click on anything, I get asked for another log-in or if I click on home or messages, all the other member stuff greys out. Yet at the top, it still says "Hi Amanda". The log-in and membership don't seem to be getting the right handshake.

    I guess I will be just reading the messages! Ho hum.

  49. Gerard & David - Bibliophile PDF should be with you now.

  50. gmax, bibliofile leaf safely received, thanks very much. I dropped you an email about this, and any other old forms you may have.


