
29 September 2011

Future Meet Ups

With two meet ups in two weeks, New York and London, there has been added interest from other parts of the world to hold similar events.

For those people that have not attended a Philofaxy Meet Up, the first thing to say is 'it is not just about Filofax Organisers' Sure a lot of the discussion is about those and how you use them, but naturally the topic of conversation can drift in to other areas.

So where else.... Erin has emailed us and said:

I live in Central California, about 2 hours from San Francisco. I'd have to research to see if there is a Filofax shop there, but I know that Spencer's in Carmel, CA has a lovely selection of Filofaxes. And, it's in a wonderful shopping center where we could have lunch.

If you are on the West Coast of the States and you are interested in attending such a meet up then in the first instance please contact philofaxy at gmail dot com and put 'West Coast Meet Up' in the subject of the email.

Also Kathleen is also interested in organising a meet up near Michigan. I know there have been a couple of meet up's in the adjacent state, but I realise it's a big country!

If you are in Michigan and you are interested in attending such a meet up then in the first instance please contact philofaxy at gmail dot com and put 'Michigan Meet Up' in the subject of the email.

If you live in Germany and you are interested in attending such a meet up then in the first instance please contact philofaxy at gmail dot com and put 'Germany Meet Up' in the subject of the email.

I will pass on the emails to the respective organisers.

If you are interested in organising a meet up in your own area, it doesn't have to be a large group, 2-3 people even is often enough to get things started. Take a look at our Hints and Tips document, it's all fairly common sense really, but you might pick up a tip about some thing you might have over looked.


  1. Thanks Steve! I look forward to any emails you receive and can pass on to me. I received the one you forwarded early today. Thanks again.

  2. I'm going to be on Scotland's Royal Deeside from Christmas to Jan 6. We could meet there, or in Aberdeen if any Scottish Philofaxers want to meet up? (Celestriana??)

  3. Can someone let me know how can I join the next NYC meet-up?

  4. When the next one is announced, please email philofaxy at gmail dot com to declare your interest in attending.
