
25 October 2011

How Many Filofaxes Do You Own?

We have asked this question before, but it was about 2 years ago, it will be interesting to see how things have changed in that time!

As you will see I've expanded the number of categories this time, so we can get a slightly more accurate picture... 

Here is the graph from last time.


  1. Oh dear - this has made me realise that I need to sell some. There is probably no point keeping ones I just don't use!

  2. My Filofax total has gone up significantly since the last poll!!

  3. @Alison, you don't need to sell any, unless you really want to. I'm currently just sneaking under the 21 radar at the moment, but not for long as there are more on the way this week and 3 more on the Christmas list (including the personal Malden in crimson). They are all so beautiful that you are totally justified in having as many as you like :-)

  4. Scoot, I will not be strict in terms of saying you should only count Filofax branded organisers.

    If people want to include other organisers then that's up to them.

    Filofax is often considered to be a generic term for organiser a bit like Hoover is for vacuum cleaner

    Don't forget Europe wakes up before the US... hence the votes climbing as we speak.

    I would think we will get considerably more votes this time compared to last time.

    Two years ago, the 'I'm in to double figures' was very much tongue in cheek... hence expanding the categories a bit more this time.


  5. I have tried hard not to count despite my sister's persistent interrogations after the recent arrival of my personal Malden(that I really luv!! I get it now!) "Seriously, just tell me, how many do you have now??!!'

  6. just did... that wasn't easy... not a pretty number! *deep breath*

  7. i think it´s much more interesting to count just the originially filofax branded...

  8. As of 2 minutes ago when the postman arrived, 3!!

  9. I think I took part in the last poll of this type, & my filofax collection has actually reduced in number! Probably more unusual, I would imagine :)

  10. Right now, I have five: Osterley (McAbby), Ostrich (PETA), Classic (Kamehameha), Finsbury (Tempe Brennan) and Topaz (Hermione). Used to have an Amazona and a Malden, but my momma permanently borrowed them as payment for letting me stay in her stomach rent free for nine months, one week.

    I'm currently waiting for a Finchley and will be getting a Deco as a present, so that number will rise to seven by the end of the year.

  11. Crikey, 146 votes and 10% have between 11 and 15.

  12. I wonder how many are holding off voting!

    Thinking back, I think 2 years ago my total would have been 5 or just a bit more than that. It's now in the 11-15 slot... opps!

    It's all those Maldens you know!! Oh and a couple or three others!

  13. i only own 4 but I have about 8 on my wishlist hahaha! hopefully by the next poll ill have them all muhahaha :)

  14. ha - my count is a +1 from when I voted earlier today. I panic-bought a Cuban Zip personal, in case they get discontinued. LOL!

  15. Still just the one. It works for me, plus I am loyal and content.

  16. I won't answer this question! hehe but I have sold 2.

  17. It`s interesting to see that Pareto principle works for filos too :o) 80% of filos are owned by 20% of all owners :o)

  18. Aaarghh! Having just gained my first full time employment for a number of years (children...) I decided my system of a diary with bits of paper stuffed in the back would not be sufficient to keep track of work, kids, husband etc.. therefore decided that a filofax was in order. I then thought to myself 'what is the best way to organise this?' Cue google search and philofaxy. After spending far too many hours reading post after post I now suddenly feel that my life is not complete until I buy at least 2 more for essential purposes (wallet and travel) How did I ever survive before?! Already have my eye on reduced urbans and malden. sigh. Will be working just to feed my filofax addiction at this rate. Darn you philofaxy...

  19. My very first one just arrived, a personal adelphi in black! I filled it with inserts from the FC leadership line. Now I may need a secondary philofax for personal uses as this one is strictly for work!

  20. I think we might have a new champion to beat .... 83 including 56 Winchesters...

  21. Seen here:

  22. I've about 10 or 12 Personals.
    2 Slimlines
    5 or 6 Pockets.
    2 A5's
    3 Minis.

    I've told myself "no more Personals", at least not until I find a Mini I really like.

    In active use: two Personals, one Slimline and one Mini.

  23. Technically, my count has tripled since the last post! (But I only had one the first time round, so it's not as bad as it sounds)

  24. A question to all who own several filofaxes: How many of them do you use at the moment?

    I've got only two: A personal Metropol and a pocket Piazza, but I only use my Piazza, because of the handy size.
