
22 October 2011

Web Finds - 22nd October 2011

I hope you enjoy these posts on Saturdays and this week is no exception. So grab a drink of your choice and sit down enjoy:
Now before you shut-down your computer and get on with your tasks for the weekend... read about our Filofax Memories Competition and download the entry files and get writing your entry this weekend..... 


    1. Ooh, fabulous. 6:15am and the web finds are already up. There was me, going to be good and try to get some of my work done before the day gets fully underway, and now I may have to postpone the work... Or can I be really good and save the web finds for later? Decision, decisions.... Oh go on then, just a sneaky peek :-) Thanks Steve, love the web finds each week. xxx

    2. I echo LJ's comments.. I love reading the web finds over breakfast. Thanks, Steve, for a weekly treat.

      On another note, does anyone know whether thevSmython planner refills will Filofax personal. I love the paper and think that my amethyst Deco deserves a treat.

    3. Me too - I lay in bed this morning and read them on my iPad! What a treat. My other half is here this morning (usually playing golf!) so was downstairs with the dogs so I had a delicious peaceful time with my guilty secret (i.e. filofax web finds!!!)

    4. @Liisa Folding heavy cardstock is easier if you score it first. Use a sharp knife and *very gently* go along where you want it to fold, using the straight edge of a ruler for a guide. Hope this helps.

    5. Thanks again for including one of my posts :)

    6. um... is the link for TPS right? It wouldn't link through for me...

      Oh, please don't let that happen with all of them! I need my web finds fix!!

    7. Amanda
      Link updated, should work now. Not sure what happened there.


    8. Still not working for me but I went via the links page and read it.

      All the others were fine (phew!!) so I can now enjoy my weekly fix! I do love these round-ups!

    9. Works for me... but I've now re-entered the link and tested it just in case...

    10. yay! works for me too now!
      Thank you!

    11. :D that´s another reason why i chicken out on posting my "what´s in my filofax". first of all my readercounter would explode with all of you guys and i´m so new on blogging, that i´m very scared of "do they like my blog??".... oO

    12. Nina
      We love your blog... and I don't know a blogger who would not want readers... !!!

    13. yes of course you´re right. that´s like a singer´s saying "no, please don´t listen to my songs"

      but... i´m just nervous. for a newbie it´s a little more important how people rate the own side, than for an routinĂ© ;)
