
04 December 2011

Filofax Day?

How does your Filofax fit in to your day? Have you ever recorded a time line about how often you refer to your Filofax in a typical day.

How essential is a Filofax is to your everyday life,  not just a 'nicety' to have, but a genuine reason why Filofax is preferred in this modern, techno world.


  1. How many times a day...? Well, I have to confess that I am probably the most disorganised Filofax owner in the world.

    For work I refer to my FF constantly, it never forgets anything, doesn't randomly delete things and is totally reliable.

    Unfortunately, when it comes to my personal life, work kinda gets in the way and so I write my lists of things that I have to do in a week, then get to Thursday and realise the list hasn't reduced and that I have a couple more things to add. I usually manage to cross off a couple of things on a Sunday, and then copy everything across into the following week . Hence my list still has items on it that I wrote two months ago that will soon become urgent :o)

  2. I refer to mien constantly. It's rarely out of my hand, and I'm always making notes of things, either in the information section or on one of my to-do lists. My Filofax is central to my personal organisation, period.

  3. I refer to mine constantly during the working week but less so on weekends. And my Filofax tells me that my birthday is tomorrow! Hehe.

  4. I'm always checking it ad writing in my Filofax. It's the first thing I do when I sit down at my desk at work and it's always open on the sofa at home. I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached so my Filofax is such an important part of my day :0) L x

  5. Two Slimlines get a lot of attention during the day, since they are used for meeting notes, outlines, next actions, project planning, agendas, etc, GTD style. One of the Slimlines is always on my suit pocket, and carries my credit cards, id, driver license, and several pages for "capturing". The other Slimline carries the other GTD tabs - agenda, action lists, project lists, goals, project plans & notes, someday/maybe, references. I also carry, in the briefcase, two Personals, which serve as project files, for ongoing projects. They carry my "personal system".

  6. My 'almost everything except work' filofax has my credit cards and money as well as shopping lists, goals, diary, addresses etc and is looked at several times a day.
    My work one is essential and has my work diary and meeting notes etc in it. I have also added a home-made time tracker as our new administrator wants us to do a work-load analysis each year so no doubt I will be in the work filo even more frequently so I can log everything in one place!

  7. I am ashamed to admit I am very bad at looking in my filo during the day! Usually things are already in my mind so I don't need to look at my daily agenda (although lately I've been forgetting non-regular things, so I will have to start reviewing my days regularly!) But my to-dos tend to get forgotten because I don't consult my filo! It's really bad, it's just not part of my daily routine to check it!! That's really terrible isn't it?! I'm trying to remember to check it throughout the day, but I'm usually so busy I don't have the time; the only time I do check it is when I'm walking to or from uni, and that's if it's not raining!
    I think my main problem is I don't have a permanent place where I work. I rarely sit down during the day, and when I'm at home I work at my sofa instead of my desk, and my sofa is covered with books with no place for my filo! So it just stays shut on the coffee table! Woops!
    This is going on my New Year's Resolutions list now...

  8. Thanks for including me. I am a Filofax newbie!!!!!! Haven't decided how to set it up yet so I love reading these posts. I didn't know about the Filofax rave! I must have been living under a rock! I'm in now!

  9. My filofax has recently only been used for scheduling. I refer to it every couple days as a reminder of meetings and appointments. I also use it to mark days I know I'll need to reference back to in the future. I'm currently looking for a new system so my filofax will get more use. Perhaps I need to purchase one of the new gift sets for inspiration. :)

  10. I look at my Filofax many times a day. I use a 'week on two pages' and a 'page per day' diary in the same binder. My appointments go in red (Frixion) in my weekly diary as well as important reminders in pencil, and all my 'to-dos' go in my ppd (in pencil). I put my red Frixion down the middle of the rings and my pencil in the loop. I have to look at my Filofax many times a day; I would forget to breathe if I didn't write it down!

    I prefer using a Filofax because you just don't get the ability to see the week ahead when using a gadget. Plus gadgets aren't as reliable and Filofaxes are MUCH more beautiful to look at!

  11. My personal Filo shadows me. When I'm working, it's on my desk beside me. I might not refer to it much during work hours, but it's there. I will jot things down throughout the day just to get them out of my mind and back on work.

    For my work Filo, it's open on my work table (my chair swivels from my desk/laptop in front to the work table to the right) and I refer to it all day long. Some of the records I keep in the work Filo are updated and edited throughout the day.

    When I'm done work for the day and walk down the hall to the living room, my personal Filo comes with and sits open on the table beside my chair. I use it, write in it, refer to it throughout the evenings and weekends.

  12. At work I have two filos by my side. The Malden Pocket is my private one and the Finsbury Mini is my work-filo. My work-filo stay´s at work when I am going home. My private filo is always with me - doesn´t matter if I am at home or anything else: I keep my filo with me.

  13. Wow, gdigesu - that's 4x filofaxes you're carrying around?! Now I don't feel so bad about struggling to slim down from an XL Winchester to a standard binder!

    I refer to my filofax constantly throughout the day. The filofax is also wonderful for weekly reviews - it's great to pop open the rings and spread out a load of sheets to get an overview of what's on. Light years ahead of any electronic system :)

  14. I've recently switched to an A5 and I LOVE it!!! I always check my week ahead on a Sunday. Then will check 2-3 times a week depending on what I'm up to and what I need to refer to.

    It's downtime on my MSc at the moment so that reduces the "checks" somewhat!

  15. Gerard,


    "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler ...", said the Man (Albert Einstein).

    This set up is kind of an A4 binder split in four ...


  16. Giovani,

    Have you considered a leather jacket with some ring mechanisms attached? :)

  17. And so the giletfax was invented.

  18. heh heh gerald that would be awesome. i'd want my highly flexible (malden-ish or finchley leather) communicator binder on my forearm. it would probably have to be long ways like the old M2. maybe i can have a glove too where my index finger is a pen. since i got me the beautiful pilot matte black vanishing point for my birthday, i'm quite smitten with this particular fountain so my glove would be of similar retractable nature. heh heh. awesome. g you could have one on both forearms and then one on each thigh for when you sit down at business meetings....heh heh heh heh now i'm just cracking myself up heh heh

  19. Gerard, there you are trying to make things simpler!!

    Remember the Old Man !!!


  20. I look at my Filo many times during the day, both randomly/as needed and on a regular basis. For instance, I look at it when I get to work to see if there's anything I need to do right away or research, etc. I look at it again after lunch to double check that everything has been done. Then again once I'm home. And of course, I look at it/write in it as needed throughout the day. It doesn't necessarily go with me everywhere while I'm at work, but it's always on my desk at the ready. When I'm home and running errands or going out, it usually does come with me "just in case."
