
20 February 2012

How do you use: Monthly Pages

So this week let us focus on people that use a 'Monthly' diary insert.

So the Monthly inserts, they are standard in most sizes, there are a few variations, Month on one page or on two pages with some available in cotton cream.

So if you use monthly pages.... how do you use it? Tell us about your use of this format, include links to a Flickr photo if that helps. Include as much or as little detail as you like. Which version of the monthly inserts do you use... etc etc.


  1. I have the vertical tabbed month on two pages. Use it for appointments past my range of daily pages and as a tickler file for things I need to start or finish on specific dates or during specific months. Works beautifully.

  2. I have 2 sets of month on 2 pages for my A5.

    For one set, I jot important appointments and recycling days (it's complicated here in Flanders -- different days of the week/month for different things). I like to have an overview of the month, as well as a daily to-do list.

    I place the other set behind a tab called: Migraine Log.

    Whenever I have a migraine, I put a small stick-on dot on the day. Since I have a lot of migraines, this gives me a nice visual for me to see the patterns of my migraines for any given month.

  3. I use my Mo2P to track my daily word count, where I'm writing, what I'm writing and how long I wrote. It lets me see at a glance how much work I'm getting done. I just do a quick notation at the end of the day. If I need to track details, then I write in the Wo2P planner.

  4. When Steve suggested we make a Personal-size month on a page layout I was skeptical that it would be usable, but making it has been a revelation. You can't write very much in each space, but that's no different from - say - the horizontal yearly planner - and the fact that our pages are printed on both sides means that even if you print it on good paper it will take up less space than the folded up yearly planner.

    I'd never use month-on-a-page as my main diary but to track activities it works really well.

    (We're just finishing off the monthly layouts now and they should be ready in a few days.)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. [sorry for posting weirdness]

    I use the day per page for my main calendar, but have the one-page month inserted at the beginning of each month's daily pages. Month on one page is small, but great for overview - can keep track of important events (using abbreviations of course!), especially deadlines, plus multi-day things like visitors, conferences, etc. I also have little post-tabs on those month pages, so I can find the right month quickly.

    For me, day per page wouldn't work without the month view as well - I need overview as well as detail, and this allows me to have both.

  7. @lululucy: I like your idea! Something to bear in mind when I change my setup again at some point in the future . . .

    I use my monthly view calendar for keeping a record of the hours that I work and I use the list at the side to tally up my hours. I also use it to record the hours my daughter spends with her childminder and any payments I make out for her, such as: dinner money, school trips and childminding fees etc. This means I don't have to remember whether I've paid for something, I can just check on there.

    I suppose this calendar is the only one I use that relates to the past. I don't use it for planning, just recording.

  8. I use the MO2P along with the daily pages for an overview. I use abbreviations:
    W.O = workout
    $ = pay day
    D = a class I attend
    A = airtime
    MDC = a club with monthly events.

    I keep all the codes on a post it and move that month to month so I can see the abbv. for something. I dont use it for things like W = work because I do that 5 days a week. I just have U = Urlaub (vacation in German) and H = public holiday.

    This works well and its used really to see how often I am working out or how often I am putting airtime on my phone. I find it really useful.

  9. I use a Month per Page A5 of my own design! for planning blog posts on Philofaxy... that hard core non-fashion Filofax site... you might have heard about it....

  10. I use my monthly pages in conjunction with my DPP- since I carry all 12 months of monthlies (and only 3 months of DPP) I use the monthly pages to track quick details for future events and then add details to the daily pages.

    I'm using Franklin Covey (tabbed!!!) monthlies right now so the spaces are a bit bigger, but I still try to mainly use stickers instead of trying to squeeze my handwriting in the small spaces. More detail can be seen here:

  11. As I am job hunting at the moment, I use the month on two pages for tracking job deadlines and the notes section for notes on specific jobs, eg Headteacher's name etc. I colour code my applications depending on the type of school, primary, secondary, etc.

    On another note, I did use the month on 2 pages as an overview, but found having 2 diaries a little worrisome, ie that I may have a date noted in 1 diary and not the other. I kept having to synch diaries. Now I am a 1 diary, 1 life person!!!!

  12. I have a family A5 Filofax that stays at home so I use MO2P in my wallet/Pocket Filofax to keep track of appointments so I don't double book.
    Unfortunately it is usually keeping track of my daughter's social life rather than mine...

  13. Hi all! Long-time lurker, first-time poster here. I thought it was about time to participate in Philofaxy since I'm on here everyday anyway.

    I live in Manila, Philippines, and was so psyched to find a group of people who shared my love (obssession)for Filofaxes. I've been using them since the mid-90's for work and personal stuff, and have recently down-sized to the Pocket (and Mini as wallet!) thanks to you all!

    I use a MO2P in my Portobello Mini that I use as a wallet for when I don't carry around my Pink Pocket Malden which is my main diary/planner and which has a W02P. I try to sync the 2 as often as I can so I don't double-book (not that I'm that busy).

    (Sorry for the long post.)

  14. I use monthly pages in my Medical Filofax, and it is so convenient to have a quick-glance reference of who went to the doctor when, when was the date I last refilled my prescription, weight trends etc.

    Each time I or a member of my family goes to the doc, I write on that day's space the person, the doctor's name and the diagnosis. If that person needs antibiotics or other treatment I note that on each day's space, numbering the days of treatment (example: B Abx Day 4). Later when I need to submit invoices for reimbursement or remember the last doctor's visit, it's easy to find without flipping a lot of pages.

    I also record my weight and blood pressure at each doctor's visit, in green ink so I can see the trends.

  15. I use the monthly pages to track what I wear. This stemmed from a complaint of my husband several years ago that I "wore the same colours all the time" (namely black) ... I also need to practice my drawing skills, so it does double duty. Lately I've been too busy to sharpen my coloured pencils, so I just write what I wore in words, but it is a fun exercise.

    This photo is from quite a few years ago:
