
01 March 2012


Spring 2012 ushers in the highly anticipated arrival of the Temperley London for Filofax “Your Life in Your Hands” limited edition collection. Bringing Alice Temperley’s signature style from the catwalk to the palm of your hands, the new collection encompasses two exquisite organisers, The Guinea and The Affair.

With a self-confessed magpie like approach to finding inspiration for her fashion designs, including a penchant for collecting memories, notes, photos and sketches, as well as keeping a hectic schedule organised, Alice Temperley has been using a Filofax for years. Alice was inspired by her experiences to create her dream Filofax for others to use, in the signature Temperley London delicate feminine style and tailored to her own specifications inside and out including bespoke stationery and content.

The Guinea harks back to the charm of vintage accessories. Made out of luxury quality pony skin, in a unique black and white print pattern inspired by guinea fowl feathers, the textured surface is soft to the touch. The cover is edged with a gold finished frame with a zip closure, adding an evening clutch feel. The interior features crocodile print calf’s leather and includes a smartphone pocket creating a practical accompaniment to modern day life.

The Affair is designed with luxurious black Italian lace bonded onto cream leather, inspired by lingerie against the skin, resulting in an elegant, sensual style. The Affair features beautiful detailing such as the patent leather strap and snap fastener with a signature Temperley London button and nude cord lined interior, with contrasting patent leather pockets. Containing a bespoke Flex by Filofax A5 notebook as well as a full complement of personal organiser stationery, The Affair is a perfect place to capture private thoughts, dates and memories.

Alice Temperley says, "I wanted to create something unique, beautiful and functional that contains personal information to help organise, plan and collect things for our busy lives. Throughout the design journey I looked at every element, from how I use my Filofax to my vintage collection. I thought a lot about how to combine its form with function and how to introduce Temperley London’s detail and femininity to Filofax. The Guinea and The Affair, two beautiful and stylish functional accessories, can be used and treasured for years."

The limited editions come with their own bespoke range of inserts featuring a varying selection of unique content. Alice Temperley shares some of her own ‘loves’ including favourite festivals and world markets. Talented chef Mark Hix, a personal friend of Alice’s, makes a contribution, providing especially selected recipes for the uniquely designed Filofax pages. Both The Affair and The Guinea are presented in elegant zipped pouches and contain an exclusive Temperley London for Filofax logo badge as a mark of authenticity.

Filofax is enjoying a timely renaissance in the hectic digital age, as self-fulfilled creative individuals hark back to the privacy, importance and simple pleasure of making hand written notes. Temperley London for Filofax is a truly remarkable collection which embodies the heritage of both premium brands and marries together beautiful form and function.

The Temperley London for Filofax range, priced £375 - £399 and are exclusively available in Filofax stores, Temperley London boutiques and Selfridges now.

Product information:
  • The Affair, £375/$595. Available in one size to accommodate an A5 note pad and personal size inserts
  • The Guinea, £399/$625. Available in one size to accommodate personal size inserts

Temperley London for Filofax inserts include:
  • Temperley London designed front sheet, with handwritten message from Alice Temperley
  • Alice Temperley’s favourite festivals
  • Alice Temperley’s favourite world markets
  • Seasonal recipes by Mark Hix, one per season
  • Birthdays pages by month featuring birth stones and illustrated with star signs
  • Illustrated star signs and Chinese birth years
  • Illustrated 2012 calendar block page featuring hand drawn illustrations of seasonal produce
  • Calendar block pages
  • 2012 week on two page diary
  • Address and contacts
  • Fold out world map
  • To do list
  • Leather tabbed indices, with gold embossed text
  • Leather tabbed A-Z with gold embossed letters
All paper fills use the Filofax luxury cream paper with black print

Thank you to SlamPR for sending us the full details and images.


  1. Am I the only one who thinks that these luxury items are ugly *blush*?

    1. Nope - I think they're awful too. Style over function is something that has always bemused me - from high-heel shoes you can't walk in, to an organiser that you can't organise in...
      I'm so obviously *not* the target market!

    2. It looks like the unusual ring placement means this Filofax lies flat right out of the box, and that's quite a big gripe with users otherwise, so that at least counts for something: it's quite a big change in both theory and design when you think about it, and one I'd be glad to see in a more functional looking binder.

    3. I don't really like them either, in looks or the price.
      If I had to choose, it would be the Guinea, but pony skin??
      And I just don't fancy a lacey filofax full stop. Maybe they're a bit different in real life.
      Like Amanda, I'm not their target market either :)

    4. No, I think the same. I know my tastes are pretty utilitarian and non- "frou frou" so these don't appeal to me at all. If I'm dropping this ridiculous amount of $$ on a Filofax, I would expect it to be of the softest and most luxurious leather, not .... this!

    5. I agree - not at all something i would be interested in. They're "too much" for me - too frou frou, like Terri said. And no matter what they looked like, I would never pay that much for a planner.

  2. Nope, I do think so too. And what makes them even uglier in my book is the price. Unbelievable! :/

  3. I don't have a view on the aesthetic qualities of these binders, but ergonomically they make little sense to me. They are jewellery, not organisers.

    1. "they are jewellery, not organisers" LOL :-)

    2. That is a good way of putting it Ray. I DO find them attractive, but not functional enough to spend my money on. I'm sure they will have their appeal and we must accept that different people want different things from their binders. That is very evident from the wide range of binders we all use currently. I guess FF are trying to appeal to a different market here, and as long as they continue to produce binders I like in my price range, then I can hardly complain!

  4. I agree with you guys, I think the filofax's themselves are very ugly and as a fashion teacher certainly not something I would see myself carrying!!

    However I like some of the inserts that I have seen, do you know if they will be avaliable to purchase seperately??

  5. I am also keen to see if the inserts are available.
    I quite like the A5/Personal hybrid idea, but would prefer a more 'functional' and affordable binder. I

  6. I don`t like it either. But again, it`s really a fashion item. I wonder how the lace will look like after few years of usage.

    1. I was wondering the same about the cord interior, specially if someone throws in a leaky ballpoint or a pencil... not to mention crumbs and coffee stains from having lunch at your desk while checking appointments!

      Not a happy image...

      Just makes me wish they did brass - not gold - rings and big zips on regular Filofaxes, I'm so over the chrome thing. I disliked the small plastic zip on the Cuban zipped model and this at least shows making a zip a feature can work, as they did on the big chunky plastic zip on the '90s Filofax Active zip model.

    2. That is exactly what I was thinking - what will the lace look like. I think they are ugly and I would much rather have a nice, soft leather Filo than one that is so "busy" looking.

  7. "...luxurious black Italian lace bonded onto cream leather, inspired by lingerie against the skin, resulting in an elegant, sensual style..." Please pass me a bucket. I feel quite nauseous!

    Top marks to the Filofax spin doctors - SlamPR - who describe themselves as "the first ever truly global boutique agency... a creative hot shop, full of entrepreneurial spirit, creative gurus, connected scenesters and passionate marketing experts". I wonder what their daily rate is?

    If they can write this kind of hype about themselves and the Temperley, imagine what they would say to promote the Apex?

    1. To be fair, they're competing to some extent against the huge PR organisations behind all the smartphones, netbooks and i-Pads etc, who are positioned in a lot of people's minds as making pen-and-paper products obsolete.

      That they're marketing what's basically the Dr. Frank-N-Furter of Filos isn't exactly their fault! ;o)

  8. My main thought is that the front page there looks fantastic, and is probably going to appeal to people who wouldn't think of making their own custom inserts, and that I like the black dividers with gold print... enough to try and replicate them at some point, not enough to cough up that much money.

    But even if £400 was back-of-the-sofa change to me, I wouldn't buy one because they don't look like they'll age well, and that's my Number One requirement of any Filofax; I hope I'm wrong though, and/or that this gives the company a good boost in sales and popularity!

    1. PS Looking at that interior picture of the Guinea, I'm not crazy about the quality of stitching towards the bottom of the left-hand cover, near the zip pull: quality stitching is what sets aside Filofaxes from cheap lookalike binders, and designer bags & wallets from £5 market stall jobs, and if that's the one they're releasing as the model of the range so to speak, it makes me wonder what the rest look like... it's a bit shoddy and uneven looking, even compared to my old cheapo Logic Zip in 100% nylon!

  9. If the guinea was in pocket i'd buy it.. Yes, i'm one of those people that just jots appointments and a few telephonenumbers down in their filofax. And so what? Isn't that their primary usage?
    I think having a phone pocket is a practical idea, although by the time you'd unzipped it the person on the other end would have hung up..
    If i had an affair (ha! I'm not married) id be scared that the little bits of rubbish that accumulate at the bottom of my bag would get under the lace.

  10. I have to say there is something about them that appeals, although it isn't the price tag! Do we know anything about the other range their doing? Steve mentioned it a while ago and the implication was that they would be cheaper. Do we know what they will be like? Sizes etc? I do like the inserts in these so am hoping they could be bought separately or at least in the cheaper range.

  11. Although this product obviously wasn't aimed at me, there are two things that I think the Filofax people consider. Firstly, this novel positioning of the binder mechanism could well be the answer to the problem of getting cheap leather to lie flat (in the way that the arguably better quality filofaxes used to do before production was outsourced). Secondly, facing the pockets outwards makes things so much easier if you're trying to use a filofax as a purse or wallet (hasn't anyone at Filofax realised this before. Finally, although this Filofax is eye wateringly expensive, the extra revenue generated helps to keep my local library open. I think they've missed a marketing trick though - if they had offered a bespoke boutique style insert filling service they could have sold it for a lot more.

  12. Remember when we used to personalise our filofax binders? Give them cute little pet names? Or think about their profession?
    Well - to me at least - those two Temperfaxes with all their lace and nude skin colours and bling are obviously working in the worlds oldest profession ...
    (if you get my drift)

    1. Well said, Jotje! And it made me laugh :)
      My Malden just doesn't mix in the same social circles as them, I think.

  13. For me, it's a mix. Putting aside the price because I can't afford one, I like some things design-wise about both but find neither really suited for what I do with a filofax. I think they are both attractive, I like the lace one better but prefer accent design aspects of the other. I doubt I could ever make anything work with rings that small for an 'everything' filofax and it costs too much to be just a jot pad and address book. I also agree with some other comments, I don't see this wearing well over time which is something important.

  14. i like some of the concepts of these products. i love the compact zip with a phone pocket however, i'd rather put the phone in that longways pocket. or if the pocket went vertically instead of horizontally that might work better. (looking forward to seeing the malden zip - wondering how similar it will be to this one) currently in the aqua chameleon (yes i switched again!), i put my iphone in the bottom front pocket. it works well. i really love the simplicity and versatility of the chameleon. it's a shame they're discontinuing that style so quickly. perhaps they'll keep key design aspects for a 'new' future line.

    the 'affair' is interesting. i hate that it's a desk piece though as i do a lot of work on my lap. i also hate that they market this design as a sort of revolutionary avant garde product. the holbron and the regency have those outside pockets where you can potentially put a slimmer book in them - they just haven't made proper inserts for it nor have they marketed that aspect of that binder - so wierd to me. the compact flex notebook would fit ok. it's not perfect but there is potential and hopefully filofax will make products and inserts that cater to their existing affordable products and enhances their capabilities even more.

    i don't mind so much that these "high end" products are released. i would hope their designers use this as an uninhibited playground to experiment with alternative concepts and designs and hopefully prefect them for again, more affordable products and combinations of inserts and binder and technology. that's the positive end. on the negative side, if i were to spend this amount of cash on a binder, i'd go lizard, ostrich or alligator. pony hair, patent, pink and lace...not my thing. nothing can ever trump the filofax holy trinity as far as i'm concerned

  15. These would be nice in a much cheaper synthetic material (I'm thinking $50./60. price range). I would not spend that kind of money on this type of design with this material, it'a too transiently fashionable and I question their function and durability. That said, I am sure there are upper income people that would bite the hook. It's overall an interesting experiment.

  16. I can't help it. I want one.

  17. This is a gorgeous planner! I'm going to own one myself soon (I could snag it from the website!) and I'm very excited about it!

  18. Wow you really trashed these planners back in the day. And honestly, i love them now in 2021 and they are no longer available. I would have loved to purchase them, even if it meant an investment. I was certainly the target market.... so posh and stylish and fashionable. Love them!!!!

  19. Hello, I bought The Affair at the time and never used it... Still in its box with all the bits that go with it. ~Does anyone know how much they would be today? I am thinking of selling it, as I will probably won't use it... Thank you :)

    1. Much lower I expect that you might be willing to sell it for. A lot of them were sold off via Ebay a year or so later. Have a look on there at the completed sales prices. From memory I think some sold for under £100 !

      The Affair is the 'odd child' it has an A5 notepad, but the rings and inserts were both personal size.
