
03 March 2012

Web Finds - 3 March 2012

So here we are again... you know the drill by now.. find yourself an hour or so, a drink of your choice and a quiet moment to enjoy the following finds this week.
Can I also give a shout out to Alison Reeves who is fund-raising for Cancer Research UK by doing a Race for Life, you can sponsor her by visiting her 'Just Giving' webpage. You can pay via Pay Pal using your own local currency too.

And an Oscar nomination to Tracy for her video about her A5 Malden...

Don't forget the Philofaxy Roundtable today..  I will also be about on Sunday at the same time to catch anyone who can't make Sunday...

Keep up with Philofaxy news on Twitter this account is fed from Philofaxy and a Google Search feed so you will pick up other Filofax related news in your time line.



  1. Looking forward to taking some time out and reading these today :o)
    Thanks Steve

  2. Thanks for the mention Steve! Much appreciated. The more sponsorship I get the harder I feel I have to work at the program! Hope to raise lots of money for Cancer Research, and lose some lbs of my own in the process.

  3. Thank you Steve! What would we call an award for Filofolk? A Faxy maybe?

  4. Great roundup! And I really enjoyed the roundtable conference today, even wrote a little post about it on my blog :) It was great getting to hear the voices behind the blogs!

  5. Scoot - I felt at such a loss without my planner. I was very edgy and didn't know how to proceed with my evening (I didn't know what needed to get done or how to plan for the week, etc.). Since then I've been very aware of where the planner was at all times. I've always known how dependent on it I am, but that day just reinforced my dependency. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
