
03 April 2012

Free For All Tuesday No 61

A great response last week, keep those questions and answers coming.

So don't be afraid if you have a Filofax related question go ahead and ask it here, and you can ask it on the days after Tuesday too...


  1. Is there a way to tell if a filofax is real leather? I've got my eye on one on trademe (kind of like ebay but for New Zealanders) and the seller says its real leather, but I have my doubts. Its a red Keswick, I love the retro look, but am less keen (especially with the price they want) if its not leather. Thanks!

    1. Hey Bridget,

      if the Filofax is made of leather, the inside description under its embossed name should say so (real leather, deluxe leather...). I have been tempted by a Keswick before, but given the information from that buyer back then, it is made of patent leather.
      I believe Keswick was also discussed here on Philofaxy - try the search button!

    2. Thanks! I think I'll give it a miss, unless they drop their price

  2. After watching several reviews including one by Steve, I bought a Saddle Brown Cuban Zipped. It is an excellent product, well crafted and I guess it would do all that was asked of it. However, I do not like it. I put the tissue paper back, placed the filofax back in the box and it is on my bookcase. I do not know why I don't like it, but I just don't. Oh well - still it's nice to look at. Current Filofax is a Scanda Personal.

    1. I know what you mean. I loved it but the ''lie flat' issue was too much for me. Also one of the rings didn't quite meet. I am on the hunt for an A5 one hoping that lies flat!

  3. Does anybody know the ring size of the A5 Balmoral - I am hoping it's 30mm?

  4. Has anyone bought an A5 purple Malden yet? The pictures on the uk website don't really show much! I am rather tempted.

    1. I bought one from City Organisers and it is beautiful - the purple is quite dark, similar to the plum of the Osterley. City Organisers also give you a choice of a smooth or rough leather.

    2. I have bought one also from City Organiser and my first photos are on my new blog post here I hope that helps. If not I'm more than happy to take more & pop them up, or email them, whatever helps you make the decision.

    3. I would like to know which of the leathers is nearest to the Crimson Malden- rough or smooth???? I am in love with my Crimson Malden, which I use as a wallet, and have promised myself a purple A5 Malden when I get that new job of my dreams.....perhaps.... if I can afford it that is!!!!

    4. @janet
      I bought one from City Organiser, too - but the Pocket size.
      I´ve got some pictures on my blog, if that would help:

      I´ve ordered the smoother version and the leather is really "smooth" (as you can see on the pictures - so is my Black one), the Crimson is more "creased" (like my Vintage Pink one also)

  5. New discovery- Daiso b7 undated paper fits the pocket size perfectly. The paper is thin, but I'm not complaining given the price.

  6. I have a question for those of you who have the Filofax A5 hole punch (the proper metal one, not the plastic one). What's the best way to clear it out? Mine isn't punching as well as it should (I'm only getting through 2-3 pages at most at one time) and I think the chads need emptying, but when I take the indicated end off and give it a shake, hardly any come out. Is there a better way of clearing it out?

    1. Babs,

      I use mine every day so it fills up quickly. I pull the end off, slide the long bottom piece out and then press down on the punch again. Shaking it will only get rid of the loose bits. They compact themselves in the holes and without pressing down on the punch, its difficult to get them out. I'd be lost without mine.

    2. I pull off the metal base with pliers then use a sharp tool to remove all the compacted paper. It's a brillaint hole-punch but does need to be thoroughly cleaned out fairly regularly.

    3. Ah-ha! I wasn't pulling the long bottom piece out! I'll try again. Thanks both! :)

    4. Thanks everyone. I've pulled the metal plate off and de-chadded the hole punch. There were loads of the little beggars in there!

      Thanks for the foil tip too, Scoot. I've done that too so hopefully the hole punch will be right as rain again!

    5. Babs, I take the rubber feet off, slide the long metal strip off, shake the circular chads into the bin and then remove the other chads using a pair of long tweezers, which I keep in my pencil case for the job. I also have a teeny weeny screwdriver, which pokes out the chads perfectly. It was actually in a christmas cracker- and now has a use. The punch does get pretty quickly jammed up and needs cleaned out regularly. I think the design is at fault, as the chads do not drop into the tray bit and just seem to get compacted up. Thanks so much for the foil tip by the way Scoot, so useful to know. xx

  7. I know everyone is buzzing about the purple Malden at the minute but for those people who fancy a Malden in crimson, grey or vintage pink, there is a seller on ebay UK selling these colours for less than half price. I just received a vintage pink and grey Malden and they only cost me around £32 each!

    Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up :-)

    1. I found that seller, unfortunately he only ships to the UK, so many of us are out.

  8. It's a long shot ... but does anyone have an A5 that they no longer use or want (not in black or brown ... something zazzier ... and it must lay flat!) that they would be interested in trading for a combination of personal and / or pocket size? I had my eye on a green chameleon in the FF UK sale, but it's now gone :(

    1. Hi Babs - would you be interested in a Pink A5 Finsbury? Take a look at my filo and let me know. I am looking for a good home for her as I am on the look out for a mustard Finchley. Thanks.

    2. I would! (If the stickers will come off the front). Do you want to email me? babshobbs [at] gmail [dot] com

    3. Hi Babs - just tried replying to you, the mail bounced back. Do you want to write to me at jagdishpreethi at gmail dot com? Thanks

    4. Oops - I posted the wrong email address!!! I'll email you now :)

    5. Babs, still has all colours of the A5 Chameleon at a 50% discount!

  9. Thanks @hamish Macbear - my favourite colour is purple so I may just do it. I have been off FF lately because of the lack of inserts for A5 but thanks to Steve and Ray I can now print my own xx

  10. It's not a question but here goes anyway. I live in Sweden and finally picked up a 2012 paper catalogue yesterday. I always notice that the different country websites have different offerings. Also, models that are discontinued or sold out in one country are often available in another. So if you are looking for a particular binder or accessories, try different sites, particularly in Europe. If there is not an English version you can whack the sites through Google translate or send an email in English.

    I often order the adhesive metal name plates from the Swedish site, even for items that are not filofax. Not sure if they are readily available in other countries but they make nice presents as well.

  11. I've been playing around with printing my own A5 paper today and realised that Excel is a brilliant tool for printing customised sheets with very little hassle. Just set the paper size to A5 and borders and margins to 0 all round, and create what you want. In my case it was wide-ruled paper with a margin. It's taken me 2 minutes to do and I'm now printing off a nice stack to go in my filo.

    It would work for practically anything you wanted to customise and is so simple.

  12. Need a Personal with 30mm rings. Does such a product exist? Please, advise.

    1. Cavendish has 30 mm rings

    2. Cuban zip, Guildford zip, the Winchester has two ring sizes including 30mm, Cavendish...

    3. Thanks katka, JasJan, Alison, Savanah!!

  13. Hi filofans! Where do you register you filo? On the site of the filofax of your country or generally on the UK-site? Or does it not matter, because all our details will transferred to Filofax UK?

  14. I just want to know, if someone uses a A5-Filofax for university notes?
    My next idea is using a Personal Filofax for subject matters instead of cue cards. Do you have experiences?

    1. I have just set up one of my A5's as a revision filo for my up-coming exams in June. I have a section for my list of reading plus revision timetable, then the following section contains all the past papers. Then I have 4 sections - one for each subject I'm studying. I have printed off some Cornell notes sheets and some wide-ruled-with-margin sheets which are now all in my filo waiting to be filled!

      I figure it'll be a good size to carry around with me - especially on the way to the exam!!

      I chose the A5 over the personal as it's so much easier to print stuff out at the right size, as opposed to faffing around with personal size sheets.

    2. Thanks for your answer!
      I think I will try it with the A5-Finchley. Maybe it's a bigger motivation too ;)

    3. I don't own an A5, but I do own a personal sized one and I think what I've experienced with it holds true for the A5 too: it is great if your note taking style is "words and phrases", and you mainly focus on listening during classes. It is not as good if you are the type of note taker who tends to write a few pages worth of notes for each class. The reason being mainly that a filofax really isn't that comfortable to write in for extended periods of time.

      1. The rings get in the way, no matter how large a filofax you have unless you write with the filofax turned so the rings are horizontal (which is very impractical if you want to be able to read your notes easily).

      2. Because of the thickness of your average filofax, the writing surface really ends up to be too high up for comfortable writing.

      3. If you have anything but plain papers in your filofax, the writing surface might also be uneven.

      All in all, I think for the actual note taking I would keep an A5 writing pad, and then simply punch to fit the filofax in order to organise the notes.

  15. Need a Personal with 30mm rings. Does such a product exist? I know Cavendishes do, but they're out of production, are they not?

    So, if they are, which one should I go for?

    1. If you don't have any luck with available 30mm Filofaxes (all 30mm are on the way out) on ebay, you may want to try Franklin planner. The page size is slightly wider but if ring size is most important you might give it a go. 30mm (1 1/4") used to be standard for the compact size binders but I've noticed they are making quite a few with smaller rings now. You'll have to call them for a size check before ordering.

    2. I forgot to mention that the compact accepts personal size filofax pages. Good luck.

  16. Savanah, thank you! Will check with FC.

  17. Finally pulled the trigger and I just ordered my first filofax last night, a red personal Finchley! I am a FC convert and was really hesitant but I think I will be able to keep some of the best FC pages from my compact planner in my personal filofax. So excited to join FF club :-)
